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The astrological "climate" for the period between December 1st to 15th, 2010

28 November 2010 / 11:11:51  GRReporter
11737 reads

    From December 7th to 15th people with planets in the following zones:
0 ° - 5.5 ° Twins
0 ° - 5.5 ° Sagittarius
28 ° Sagittarius - 3.5 ° Capricorn,
will fall into some confusion and embarrassment. Your intuition tells you one thing, you think otherwise. The subject of this impact is related to the future, at a deeper level it is related with the fear of the future. The main driving motive is how to be safe so that you are not befallen by those fears. And everything is very, very personal. It has nothing to do with the others. Where and what is related with this, depends on the planet, which is located in one of these areas. Follow your instincts. It is much stronger than anything else at this time.
     - For people with planets in the zone 0 ° - 5.5 ° Twins - the subject is related to the confusion about what is right for the future, what kind of strategy in the present would be the most proper for their wellbeing.
    - For people with planets in the area 0 ° - 5.5 ° Sagittarius - the subject is related to personal change in the name of your own sense of power and authority. The belief in the fact that you're best at something. Confusion and indecisiveness on whether to declare it out loud and through actions. But be careful with the arrogance. In this period it will be quite strong.
    - For people with planets in the area 28 ° Sagittarius - 3.5 ° Capricorn - the subject is related to anxiety and confusion regarding the personal behavior, whether it is appropriate and consistent with the different types of environment. It's all in the name of personal survival. And I do not mean behavior consistent with social norms. It may be against any rules, chaotic at times, but consistent with your inner instinct.

    From November 29th to December 4th, people with planets in the zone:
3.5 ° - 9 ° Cancer
may experience disappointment that they do not focus on the right things for them. Maybe they will feel ready to start something which they have so far postponed. They will be able to see the whole picture about a given subject.
    If the affected planet is Mars for example this will relate to your activeness in the world, your ability for self improvement. This period is very good to find some a specific capability or yours that somehow (not even you know how) you were able to master. Even if this is the ability to cook well chicken in Brussels (whatever it is). If someone tells you you're good at something, listen to him.
    If the planet is Mercury pay some attention to your ideas. They have a grain of brilliance.

    In the period  between December 5th to 15th:
    People with planets in the zone 9 ° - 14.5 ° Capricorn may show extreme perseverance and stubbornness. They will be subjected to serious tension and stress, but at the same time convinced to follow their path. They will tend to take serious risks much more than usual. The exchange of highly critical remarks and personal conflicts are also possible.

    In the period between December 9th to 15th:
    For people with planets in the zone 7.5 ° - 13 ° Scorpio – time has come for transactions, for replacing an old model with a new one to free you from the fear of the past pursuing you. Here things are related only to your closest circle of people - mainly family – for the sake of the best for it. This is the time to convince someone that what you offer will be beneficial not only for you but for him as well.

    In the period between December 9th to 15th:
    For people with planets in the zone 9 ° - 14.5 ° Aries – it is time for "money". It is quite possible that you need to have a lot of conversations on this topic. Pay attention to what you are offered. It has advantages and benefits. If the affected planet is the Moon for example, then what you are offered may require some adaptation on your part in order for you to be able to benefit from it.

    On 11th December the planet Mercury turns its course and enters into its next retrograde period. Mercury is the planet responsible for communication, information, mental connections, skilful hands, details, motion in all its forms. In the event of a Retrograde Mercury we begin to doubt whether we are talking what must we often change the direction of our thoughts and decisions, we may make a mistake with something important that would slow us down, etc.
The first 10 days of the retrograde period of Mercury may be full of criticism and personal conflicts in all directions. Tensions will come from everywhere, like electricity. Listen to what people are telling you and why they criticize you. Pay attention to what you yourself criticize, where you make mistakes and what you did wrong. It is time to "wake up" for what is bothering you in your life.
    If you have planets in several of the zodiacal divisions combine their information. It is not possible to give specific characteristics through a common sight. You can only be informed of the general astrological "climate" which may affect you, or maybe not. It depends on your personal horoscope.

Tags: astro climate planets signs horoscope Mercury Gali
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