Photo: Julien Warnand / AFP / Getty Images
The moment that the government obtains the necessary majority in parliament, although only 123 MPs of SYRIZA and Independent Greeks are likely to support it, the opposition can say, "We are for the adoption of measures but because the Prime Minister is not making any concession we will not take part in the voting." This will force the cabinet to pass the measures by a majority of 194 MPs. In this way, the message of the opposition to Alexis Tsipras will be, "Go ahead, secure the votes of the remaining 98-100 members that you need and vote. We will support the implementation of the measures but will not vote in parliament." Things will be clear in this way. Now he is just hiding behind his finger, as if Juncker, Schaeuble etc. do not know that last week’s 229 votes in favour of the measures mean nothing because the government has no support. Anyone from SYRIZA who wants can topple it any time. If the pro-Europeans in SYRIZA and the pro-European opposition reach no agreement, there will be no stability.
How do you see the role of Alexis Tsipras in the subsequent political events? He remains the most popular Greek politician even after the conclusion of the agreement.
Such was the goal from the outset. All efforts were focused on the establishment of Peronism in Greece: distinguishing a popular leader who is followed by all, no matter whether they have left or right views. You simply accept yourself as a "man without a shirt your back" ("deskamidados" in Argentina) and stand behind Tsipras, and only God knows what he is doing.
Now it seems that the political solution for Greece passes through settling accounts inside SYRIZA. If Tsipras does so, a solution will probably come from the pro-European part of SYRIZA with the help of the opposition, regardless of whether there will be elections or not. However, the voting of measures in which SYRIZA does not believe, the rhetoric of ministers against them and the suggestions like "let us take the money and disappear" are taking things towards a complete impasse.
The bad thing for Greece is that here we have no politician like Winston Churchill to take matters into his hands. Alexis Tsipras is drawing the image of a young and uncorrupted politician, but he has done nothing on the other hand, even with regard to the implementation of the measures that are supposed to have been proposed by the government from the outset. Citizens have felt no pressure from the government of SYRIZA whereas the same government is signing the worst measures we could imagine. This is the oxymoron and I do not know what the basis of his popularity is. But if he does not clear SYRIZA, regardless of the direction, to enable the partners, creditors, opposition and citizens to understand what is happening, the situation will continue to be deadlocked.
The government is apparently trying to gain time. It has even shifted the deadline for the submission of tax returns to late August. If this week goes smoothly, without disruptions, no one will know anything until September. And if no other measures are taken in addition to the VAT increase, which can be felt in commodity prices, Tsipras will try to ride this wave of temporary popularity, convene elections, win them and impose his domination. But, I repeat, as Tsipras, not as SYRIZA or as left politics. And this is very dangerous, as I have already given the example of Juan Peron. Because the whole scheme involves people such as the leader of Independent Greeks, who are organizing in Syntagma folk festivities with banners of Byzantium and nationalist songs. This is raising doubts as to whether one is a national socialist or democrat and to what extent. We thought we had left behind this madness over the past 30 years and it is now threatening Greece’s geopolitical position and role in the region. And all this is only happening for someone to win the elections and be in a good relationship with the fans of conspiracies of Kammenos and the nationalists.
I would like to digress to say how dangerous and strange it is and how dangerous the alliances are, which are probably being concluded. This is the reason for my concerns that have made me say for a long time that signs of Musolinism could be noticed. Indicative of this is the fact that Golden Dawn did not take advantage of the referendum to promote its positions. They did not use the time on TV to which they were entitled by law to expose their views nor did they send representatives to the polling stations. In fact, they hid but also did what they wanted. A meeting of political leaders was held a day after the referendum and the leader of Golden Dawn was not invited but it did not react in any way. All this time when politics was moving in a good direction for them they said nothing and hid, not to scare people. What people? Those who are categorically against fascism although they supported the negative vote. I do not know whether it was the product of a political agreement with someone from the government or just politics on the part of Golden Dawn. I hope it was only the latter. However, we could not pretend we did not hear Nikos Michaloliakos saying upon tabling the agreement in parliament, "Comrades of the Left, you have betrayed us." Who wins and who loses in this situation? What can we expect from the far right tomorrow? Will everything be the fault of the severe measures or of those crazy people who are helping the far right in their attempt to win an unnecessary and stupid referendum? So far, the situation is good, to say, but when people encounter difficulties in their daily lives due to the severe measures, as will happen in a few months, then we will understand the meaning of the snake egg Golden Dawn and who has hatched it. Then again, there will be charges against Schaeuble and the others. But who will play the role of Schaeuble at that time? Here we have a pure political move in the same direction.