Electronic voting in Estonia, Photo: bbc.co.uk
Hatred annoys me very much and so does the fact that it can pop up very fast and spoil one of the best things we have. The same thing happened to Dimitar Berbatov and Matey Kaziyski. This is something that really annoys me. Let this hatred pour down on our politicians, not on the people who represent Bulgaria worldwide.
Yes, in Bulgaria there has been a tendency to denigrate those who have succeeded abroad. How can we get rid of this negativity?
Just by breaking the status quo about which I spoke. They want us to hate each other. Parties such as Attack party create hatred. They divide and control us in this way.
That is why I am talking about unification, we should all be together. I cannot even be angry with the people who are speaking against Grigor and, therefore, I have called on them to stop and think about what they are saying. I have not spoken to him but only while imagining how he is feeling, I want to tell them to look at things from another perspective and not to react in such a primary manner and call him a traitor.
This is achieved through dialogue, education, otherwise they divide and control us in the worst possible way.