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Changing heredity is difficult but possible

22 November 2013 / 19:11:03  GRReporter
9745 reads

Ivan Petkov

In genetics, heredity means the ability of living organisms to transmit to their offspring specific characteristics related to structure and individual development. In everyday life we often say that a parent and a child are "as alike as two peas in a pod" or that we have the eyes, nose, hair ... the figure of the mother, father, grandmother, grandfather or other relative. The situation is similar as regards the character - when one looks at oneself, then he or she notes certain traits or reactions that resemble those of some of his or her relatives.

The issue of heredity significantly concerns us when it comes to character traits and behavioural patterns we do not like as well as to predispositions to various diseases. How does heredity define us? Can we change it? I will try to answer these questions, not by means of modern science but in terms of the views and perceptions of Taoist practices that I have already presented.

Our beginning defines us

Let us start from the beginning, which is the moment of our conception. According to Taoists, each person has two birthdays - the second is the moment of one’s birth that we, in the west, perceive as the only one, and the first is the moment of one’s conception. They believe that the moment of conception is of utmost importance. At this point, the creative energies of both parents become one and create a life. This point is not isolated and it has a certain context. Our parents are in a particular health condition, they have particular attitudes, perceptions and, in general, they are in a very specific situation of life at this point.

The child conceived, according to Taoists, is quite pure a soul, uncharged with the concerns and circumstances faced by the future parents. The first reaction of both parents is the first "program" that the child receives. "Oh no, I'm pregnant again!", "What should I do? I am pregnant! The time is not at all appropriate!" or "I'm pregnant, how will my boyfriend/husband respond?". These are just a few of the reactions of the mother, which mark the beginning of the child. Consequently, the reactions of the father and all the others complete them. Part of the child's future is already determined and there are already concrete expectations and attitudes towards him or her.

Of course, that is not everything, but it is the most essential feature that lies at the bottom of our psyche and affects our entire lifetime in an incomprehensible and even unconscious manner.

We can expand the circumstances and see in what environment, age (peacetime, wartime, poverty, danger, tranquillity...) the child was conceived. Here the astrologers add factors such as the location of celestial bodies. In general, it is important to know that this moment is the first moment that defines our development and us as individuals; it is the first "program" we receive.

Sooner or later, everyone becomes like his or her parents

Father/Son: Laval, aged 56, and Vincent, aged 29 /photographer: Ulric Collette/

Evolution is a process of growth, change and development which makes hereditary traits that favour survival and reproduction more common and harmful or unnecessary features uncommon. An example of an evolutionary change is the molars, which we call "wisdom teeth". They are chewing teeth that appear last, in adulthood. An increasing number of people are born without "foetuses" of wisdom teeth and will never have such teeth in their lives. Evolution is a slow process and it requires generational change. This means that if we are not of the generation in which new evolutionary traits appear then we may never feel the evolutionary changes in our lives.

What we clearly perceive and recognize in the process of evolution is the transmission of hereditary characteristics from our parents. How does our heredity define our existence? Are our hands tied in terms of our character and predispositions to diseases once we have them in our genetic code?

Taoists believe that we are a combination of our inherited traits and the education that we have received. They say that if one lives like his or her parents, the predispositions to certain diseases inherited from them will almost certainly appear.

Changing the "program"

Mother/daughter - Julie, aged 61, Isabel, aged 32 /Photographer: Ulric Collette/

Let us take the example of a parent who has the type of diabetes that primarily occurs in obesity. The parent does not like moving and likes eating. The child inherits the predisposition to the disease and gets accustomed to the eating habits and sedentary lifestyle of his or her parents. Therefore, the chances for the disease to occur are high.

We learn the behavioural patterns and the prejudices from our parents through similar mechanisms, although they are not so obvious. Taoists say that what type of parents we will be depends on what type of people we are. It is the parent’s responsibility as to what he or she will transfer to the child.

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