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The chemistry of sexuality

09 February 2013 / 12:02:29  GRReporter
8422 reads


"There is chemistry between us" - you have probably heard this phrase hundreds or even thousands of times. And what we call love begins precisely with this chemistry. And believe it or not, chemistry has nothing to do with love, but with sex. To talk about love between two people without sex is tantamount to talking about life without food. Sex is not only a means of reproduction in life. It has an important function for exchanging vital energy, since, in this way, life balance is maintained. The majority of relationships and marriages fail and fall apart not because of incompatibility of temperament, but because of incompatible sexual natures, since those who do not fit sexually, would hardly fit in life. Sexuality is not just that moment in which we have physical sex. It is much more.

Today's article is about our sexual temperament. Each of us has a certain temperament that characterises our behaviour in life. I suppose that you will have come across people whose temper at work, for example, differs significantly from their temper during foreplay. Astrology defines twelve major life areas and virtually in all of them we show a different temperament and have a different type of behaviour.

From the very first seconds, whenever we meet a potential dating partner, we instinctively begin to make a quick assessment of the potential interchange - what you can do for me, what I can do for you. And this "doing" for each other includes the exchange of sexual energy, but also the combination of genes, the primary task of which is to reproduce a healthy generation. Our genes have a priority task - to identify the right partner for reproduction, no matter whether we will get to reproduction or not. Only then comes the exchange of sexual energy that happens during the foreplay and act.

When instinct and "chemistry" tell us that we have found suitable genes for reproduction, we are sexually attracted to that person. What happens in the time between reproductive processes? Sex becomes something else, it becomes a "creature" that lives according to its own rules. Here comes the importance of our sexual nature - whether our temperaments and preferences will match, whether we will be comfortable or have a desire to play with the other, whether we will be able to realise what we dream of. If we are not suited to each other, the desire for sex decreases rapidly and we start looking for other partners who will maintain our sexual life. Certainly, the desire for sex changes for other reasons as well, but the partner is always the primary reason.

In astrology, the eighth house of the horoscope is associated with sex. The condition of this house - the sign it falls in, the planet that rules it, whether there are other planets in it - all these factors tell us what the sexual life of the individual is. Similar to the Ascendant, which describes us physically as a basic temperament, the eighth house shows what our temperament in sexual terms is. The entire horoscope, if focused on the eighth house, tells the story of our sexual life - what our sexual temperament is, how valuable sex is for us and what we get from it, whether we achieve an inner satisfaction, which is our favourite sexual conversation topic, which foreplays we prefer and which roles we like to play in sex games, sexual fantasies and dreams, worldview and philosophy, ups and downs in our sexual life and libido, and so on.

Now I will give you information about the eighth house regarding what our sexual temperament is. The presence of planets in this house always gives further details, as well as the planet, which is the ruler of this house. It is clear that, if Saturn - the planet of asceticism and limitations falls there, it will change the temperament very noticeably. How do these details affect the final conclusions? It is advisable to consult an astrologer. I will give you the basic information according to the zodiac sign.

Ascendant in Aries

The 8th house falls in Scorpio. Your sexual nature is very intensive, but you are able to control it in such a way so that you create the necessary "voltage" for yourself. Only when it reaches the required level, are you able to fully indulge and achieve maximum satisfaction. Sex is present in your life in a haunting and dramatic way, and everything related to it is deeply mystical and very personal. When you need sex, everything else in life disappears and you want to make the most of every moment. Scorpio is a water sign, which is ruled by Mars and Pluto. You are a very sexual person and you need not just the physical act, but also the emotional side that goes with it. You rarely look for fast sex. You need to spend enough time to satisfy your desires. You are in no hurry - on the contrary, you act slowly and quietly, so that you can deliver a total delight to all senses.

Ascendant in Taurus

Tags: sexual temperament eighth house individual horoscope zodiac signs Galy Astro school love life
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