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Clarification by Postbank in connection with the appointment of George Provopoulos

12 October 2015 / 10:10:21  GRReporter
3211 reads

Regarding yesterday's information presented by GRReporter that former governor of the Bank of Greece George Provopoulos is to head the Management Board of Bulgarian Postbank, the following clarification arrived in the editorial office:
    George Provopoulos will be the new Supervisory Board Chairman of Postbank. All other members of the Supervisory Board remain unchanged as well as the members of the Management Board (Petya Dimitrova - Chief Executive Officer and Management Board Chairwoman, Dimitar Shumarov - Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Management Board member, Asen Yagodin - Executive Director and Management Board member, Yordan Suvandzhiev - Chief Risk Officer and Management Board member). The Bulgarian Postbank, like all banks operating in the market, has a two-stage management system.
    The appointment of Mr. Provopoulos will be finalized after the formal approval of the Bulgarian regulatory authorities.
    We would like to notify our readers that the mistake was made in the communiqué of the Greek Eurobank to the media, announcing that Mr. Provopoulos would hold the post of Management Board Chairman.

Tags: PostbankGeorge ProvopoulosAppointmentBank of GreeceEurobankSupervisory Board
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