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Confederation of Greek workers asked for 800 euro minimum wage from the employers

21 January 2010 / 08:01:55  GRReporter
2326 reads

An increase of the minimum wage in Greece from 739,56 euro currently to 800 euro is suggesting the General confederation of Greek workers. The increase will be of 8% from the current value of the minimum wage and will affect 16% of the workforce on the labor market. This became clear after the first meeting of the confederation with the Greek confederation of small-scale manufacturers and traders, the Federation of the traders and craftsmen and the National union of the Greek traders. The reason for the conference was the contracting of a framework for the new national agreement on the amount of the monthly wages. The aim of the confederation of the workers is to gain an increase of the monthly wages for the workers so that their income does not decrease by the increased inflation stated the chairman of the GSEBEE Dimitris Assimakopoulos.

Because of the recession and the unclear economic future, the employer organizations are cautious in the granting of increases of monthly wages. According to data of the confederation of the Greek workers 14% of the people working in the country are on the edge of poverty. Specialists announced that a new model for economic development has to be worked out which should provide for eventual additional increase of salaries and not decrease of the remuneration and cut in the workforce.

The chairman of the Greek confederation of small-scale manufacturers and traders Dimitris Daskalopoulos stated: “We have the same troubles as the confederation of the workers has for the companies who close down their activities as well as for the workforce lost as a result of this. We are ready for a dialog because in the harsh reality our responsibilities have also grown and the options for finding of a solution to them are very limited.”

Tags: SocietyEconomyPolitics
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