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Customs related to the first Sunday before Lent in Greece

23 February 2013 / 19:02:54  GRReporter
8980 reads

Every year, "Koutroulis's Wedding" is organised in Methoni. This is a wedding-parody with a carnival mood. The "newlyweds" are disguised men, and the marriage takes place in the central square in the presence of relatives and many witnesses. The ceremony is performed by a priest. A party follows that lasts until dawn.


The feast of the fire enlivens the evening of the First Sunday before Lent. Residents light fires in the neighbourhoods of the city and festivities begin with dancing until dawn. Old traditions and stories are revived. On Clean Monday, a restoration of the execution of the old woman Siko, who was hanged at this place by order of Ibrahim Pasha, is performed in the area. In the afternoon on the same day, costumed young and old people, as well as dance groups go on a procession.

Tags: The First Sunday before Lent festivals rituals processions
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