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Gucci party for the gods of Olympus

31 December 2015 / 17:12:20  GRReporter
6033 reads

An aesthetic row between Greece and the Gucci fashion house was sparked by a new advertising campaign of designer Derya Çakirsoy called "Gucci party for the Olympus gods". In it, she clad Phidias' sculptures in the fashion house's latest outfits, ensembles and accessories and put selfie-snapping mobile phones in their hands. The ancient Greek seriousness clashes with the collection's flaky style, while the gods, dressed in girly GG Bloom outfits transfix the viewer's attention.


This is not the first time that a famous brand is trying to promote its wares by borrowing images from Greek mythology. Back in 1992, Coca-Cola reshaped the Parthenon's columns after its famous bottle. Greece responded instantly and the advertising campaign was pulled.


Now Gucci has used photoshopped versions of sculptures in the British Museum or in the Acropolis Museum. No official permission has been requested to use them. The response of the Greek state is yet to be seen, but archaeologists insist on bringing a lawsuit against the fashion house.

Tags: Gucci fashion house advertising campaign the gods of Olympus sculptures of Phidias the Acropolis the British Museum
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