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#DANSwithme, Athens!

05 July 2013 / 22:07:09  GRReporter
2984 reads

Athens supported the protests against the government of Oresharski. Bulgarians working in the Greek capital gathered outside the Embassy of Bulgaria in Athens at 6:30 pm on Friday to support the processes of change in their home country.

Athens has become part of the movement DANSwithme which the President of Bulgaria officially supported today.

The meeting was inspired by the protests in front of the Council of Ministers in Sofia, which had started in early June this year. The Bulgarians living in Greece expressed in this way their solidarity with the protesters in Bulgaria who refuse to be ruled by corrupt politicians serving private interests and who do not want to be dependent on a handful of oligarchs.

"Even if we want to go back to Bulgaria we cannot do so. The situation is so severe that there is no future for us. We want a change," said a Bulgarian who was among the first who joined the meeting.

"We are not many but it is a beginning," another Bulgarian commented on the number of people who had gathered outside the Embassy. This did not discourage the people who chanted in unison "Resignation", "Oglusharski (as he pays no heed to the protesters), go away" and the familiar "Red trash".

The protest of the Bulgarians in Athens had its own dance to the sounds of Grafa’s song “I’ll Disappear like Smoke” but sending to today's government of Bulgaria the message “YOU’ll Disappear like Smoke”.

Those present were protesting against the long lasting arbitrariness of the government of Bulgaria holding banners with messages like "Excuse us for the inconvenience but we are trying to change Bulgaria", "Join us, the protest is for you", "You wanted to hear the people? Well, listen up: RESIGNATION ".

Bottles of water were given out, with the message: "We are having some warm water to be healthy and treating Oglusharski to some cold water for goodbye!"

The people who joined the symbolic meeting were glad to sincerely demonstrate the desire of the majority of Bulgarians for changes in Bulgaria. All united around the idea that the government corruption which has lasted for more than 20 years already has been destroying the country.

At the end of the protest, one of the Bulgarians shouted jokingly, "You should be gone by tomorrow, when I get home from work". The message made the people laugh, secretly hoping that this will materialize!

The protest was guarded by police which had to observe order. After the event, the policemen wished the Bulgarians, "We hope that you will achieve the end for which you are fighting."

The banners were downloaded from the website:

Tags: SocietyBulgariansGreeceProtestsOresharskiResignation
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