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Diamonds can be “cruel”

14 November 2010 / 11:11:51  GRReporter
10832 reads



They say that men prefer blondes, and women - diamonds. The precious stones are minerals that have natural beauty, specific physical characteristics such as hardness, heat conductivity, the most diverse and unusual optical effects.


The story goes that the Kohinoor diamond, which has a history over 2 thousand years has changed color when they tried to cut it – it became black. The jeweler who made this experience committed suicide out of fear. But in the morning the diamond regained its color and all its glory.

Many women have cried over their own diamonds. They have proved a harbinger of the end of love. As if they say: "I will be your most loyal friend and will always love you after what comes to happen". That’s why women love them. Because they are the memory of the most beautiful love. Love that goes after the diamond shines on the hand.

In this article I will tell you how the choice of gems takes into account the individual horoscope.

The use of gemstones has remained to this day in jewelry. But people do it completely randomly, just because of their value and the prestige they imply. And in ancient times the selection of gems was strictly individual. Because they - precious stones - were born from the Earth, bring life and energy like the food does. And as a food can poison a person a gem can also do the same.

Their impact on our lives is complex. Each stone is associated with a planet. And the stones which a person may wear must be carefully selected according to his personal horoscope. Because the moment we put on our hand in the form of ring or necklace any gems, their magnetic field begins to affect us.

It has been proven that every person has a magnetic field. It is also called an aura. Like the Earth, which also has a magnetic field. And therefore everything contained above and below the Earth has one.

Precious stones are not a means of "correction" of fate. They are worn in order to harmonize a man with his destiny and life path. A gemstone can bring that desired comfort to people so as to accept things around them and see the beauty even in the ugliest of things. There isn’t anything only bad or only good. There’s no world peace, because even if we achieve peace, we must go through war.

There are three categories of gems, defined by the individual horoscope. These are:

Stone of life - can be worn anytime. It brings health, vitality, success and prosperity to a man. Supports all areas of life. Helps to more easily overcome any difficulties.

What is this stone is determined by the planet that has the strongest connection with the ascendant in your personal horoscope. Unlike all the descriptions that will encounter your personal gem of life is not determined by your sun sign, but by the planet that governs the sign in the ascendant.

The ascendant is a rising sign at birth and depends on the time of birth. This planet is always good for humans because it points our entry into the world, our birth in a physical body. It is the "defender" of life.

So if you know your ascendant, see the planet that governs over this sign and choose one of its stones. Not one for the planet, which manages your sun sign.

Stone of good luck - brings creative source in humans helps to know when our luck has come, it helps the creation of generation.

Stone of Destiny - supports human destiny and more precisely his financial well-being. It is a mistake however to think that wearing this stone will make a person richer than he was destined to be.

These two stones - of luck and fate - are determined by specific rules. So if you want to know which they are it is best to consult an astrologer.

Here is what are the gems of each planet. First, I will write the main stone for each planet. But since these are the most expensive stones there are semi-precious stones, which may also be worn. Moreover, there are stones that should not be combined. I will mention them as well.

Sun (manages the sign Leo) - ruby, garnet, red zircon, red tourmaline.
The stones of the sun, are to be worn in gold plating and on the ring finger. It is advisable to put the for the first time on Sunday at sunrise. Do not wear them with stones of Venus and Saturn.
Take them off if you have high blood pressure or infectious disease.

Moon (manages the sign Cancer) - a natural ocean pearl, cultured pearls, moonstone.
The stones of the moon are worn in white planting - silver or white gold. On the ring finger. It is advisable to wear them for the first time on Monday in rising moon.
Ladies, remove the stones during your monthly period.

Mars (manages the signs Aries and Scorpio) - red coral, red chalcedony, red jasper.
The stones are worn in a white planting - silver or white gold. They are to be worn on the index or ring finger. It is advisable to put them on for the first time on Tuesday, one hour after sunrise.
Remove the stone if you have a fever.

Mercury (manages the signs Gemini and Virgo) - emerald, aquamarine, jade, green zircon, green tourmaline
The stones are worn in gold plating, on the little finger. It is advisable to put them on for the first time on Wednesday, two hours after sunrise.
Do not wear with the stones of the Sun, Saturn and Mars.

Jupiter (manages the signs Sagittarius and Pisces) - yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, citrine, yellow zircon, yellow tourmaline
The stones are worn in gold plating, on the index finger. It is advisable to place them for the first time on Thursday, one hour before sunset.

Tags: gems personal horoscope Galy astro school
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