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Doctors are preparing for protests in August

26 July 2011 / 23:07:32  GRReporter
5670 reads

Does this mean that doctors may lead protests in September? 

Even sooner than September. Only two weeks ago an amendment was voted which states that by September 15 the Minister must issue a law not to change the possibility of setting up medical practices by physicians and medical companies with at least 51 percent of owners being physicians. Few days ago the Ministry came up with a new document, according to which the Finance Ministry will submit an amendment to Parliament which will change the amendment of the Ministry of Health and will allow people who have nothing to do with the medical profession to open a medical diagnostic or centers, provided they have the money to do so. This is why we sent a letter to the Prime Minister, all parties and MPs, so they can comment on this issue. We have no intention of letting this happen.  


Tags: Greece healthcare doctors protest
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