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Doctors are preparing for protests in August

26 July 2011 / 23:07:32  GRReporter
5659 reads

Anastasia Balezdrova

Greek doctors are determined to oppose measures that the Ministry of Health is preparing to take. After their dynamic protests in spring they are ready not to let the ministry to push health care reforms in the middle of summer and are preparing for protests. In an interview for GRReporter Medical Association chairwoman in Piraeus Varvara Anemodoura told why she has taken the initiative to mobilize the medical community and stressed that changes in health care cannot be conducted only with financial criteria. 

In a letter to the Panhellenic Medical Association you indicate that the Greek health care is about to return to the 50s of last century. Explain what you mean. 

This is related to the fact that the Ministry takes measures based only on financial criteria. They calculate the cost of health services according to the amounts that were valid before 5, 10, 20 years. Compared with them the current prices are high and the Ministry wants to reduce prices. 

But health care is developing dynamically and cannot be measured based on how much a thing costs, because here we do not take into account the quantity but the quality. A simple example will illustrate what I mean. 20 years ago we treated fracture by immobilizing the patient for 2-3 months until healed. After that, of course, he was limping but his treatment did not cost anything. Then they discovered the cast. Let us say that its worth was one drachma. The patient remained immobilized in bed for less time. Then they discovered nails. We stabilized the foot with them but of course their price was naturally higher than that of the cast. The patient was out of bed faster, but after a certain period of time we had to take them out. This also had a certain value. Now we moved to hip fracture repair. The very next day after surgery the physiotherapist raises the patient on his feet. After 15 days he can walk normally. But this intervention has a different price. 

But how should we look at things? Should we compare the present method of fracture treatment, which is worth a thousand or two thousand euros with the old one, which is not worth anything? The quality of medical services is different. For the patient, for his family and for his job as well. If materials used for hip fracture repair are more expensive then the state should undertake proper evaluation. They should organize tenders and find the best prices rather than blame the doctors that they use expensive materials. 

The same goes for medications. They issued the so-called "negative list", which means that doctors prescribe medicines described therein, but health funds do not pay for them. Currently, vasodilators and drugs for coughing, acne, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, and drugs such as Viagra are not on this list. I understand that they can be used not only where they are needed, but there are people who really need them. There are young men with diabetes, multiple sclerosis or cancer of the reproductive organs that have problems with erection and it is likely that this type of medication will help them with this problem. In this case, can we speak of luxury? Of course, I am against prescribing this medicine to a 80-year-old man, he does not need it. 

They start talking about getting rid of medical tests. Today we have available the PET-scan. We know it is expensive. But what if the patient really needs to be examined? The development of medical services has changed. We are not prepared to accept the reduction of medical care in any way. 

Did the Panhellenic Council adopt your initiative to hold a general meeting? 

Not yet, but we expect a positive response. We made some decisions during the extraordinary meeting in early March of this year. But ever since then much has changed, and the government has been submitting draft laws and taking action. We must urgently review our decisions in today's conditions. I do not believe that the Panhellenic Council will not respond. If, however, until Thursday or no later than Friday they do not respond positively to the call for a meeting of the General Assembly or at least of the chairs of medical associations, it is very possible we will take action ourselves. I am in contact with the presidents of many medical councils in the country, who are joining our request. Unions from Thessaloniki, Larissa, Athens and others have the same opinion as us. 

How do you comment on the measures announced by the Minister of Health, such as the mergers of hospital managements? 

First, I must say that he takes these measures in our absence. Second, for their participation in any meeting of the board they receive 30 euros. Is this the biggest problem for healthcare? I am sure that if the Minister had made a proposal to the board members of hospitals to give up that amount, they would do so. 

But I do not think, however, the issue lays there. Last week, the minister started talking about mergers of hospital authorities. I do not believe his claim that the merger will help to conduct tenders for delivery of materials and drugs on better prices. We have a proposal on the resolution of this issue. It is not needed for every hospital administration to conduct its separate tender. It will be enough for the Ministry to hold a tender for the supply all the materials for all Greek hospitals. Which is preferable: one or 82 tenders? And on which one will you be able to win a better price? 

Tags: Greece healthcare doctors protest
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