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The European Commission gives Bulgaria and Greece 16.3 million euro for flood damage

15 September 2015 / 10:09:20  GRReporter
2127 reads

The Committee on Budgets of the European Parliament has approved the allocation of aid for flood damage in Bulgaria and Greece in early 2015, amounting to 16.3 million euro.

The plenum of the European Parliament is to approve in October the economic aid that will be provided by the European Union Solidarity Fund.

The amount provided for Greece is 9.9 million euro and for Bulgaria 6.3 million euro.

In Greece, the damage is concentrated in two areas, namely Central Greece and Evros, where massive flooding destroyed public buildings, private houses, companies, agricultural areas and cultural heritage sites.

In Bulgaria, torrential rains and the subsequent floods and landslides caused damage to river embankments, roads and communications networks as well as to public and private buildings.

Tags: SocietyFlood damageAid from the European Commission to Bulgaria and Greece
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