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Even now, Greece has no national plan to emerge from the crisis

22 June 2012 / 22:06:43  GRReporter
5919 reads

I think this is because we have no true liberal tradition in Greece. The term "liberal" is still considered almost offensive here. As if it is about something bad. As I wrote in my article in yesterday's Ta Nea newspaper, it is like a curse in Greece if someone called you "anti-communist". This is indicative of the fact that there is no such education.

On the other hand, although I deeply respect Stefanos Manos, he has never managed to be convincing in his role as a politician, i.e. to provide a perspective beyond the narrow limits of his otherwise accurate estimates. They themselves are not sufficient to allow Greek society to emerge from the deadlock and it is clear to us all. A new perspective is needed in order to decide what lives we want over the next three years and to agree on this basis. And to base any political arrangement and each collision on this agreement. This is not happening today because nobody is saying it to us.

I understand that you think this is the root of the problem.

Yes, that is right. I also believe that the power of today's opposition rests on the false feeling it gives the people that we can again begin to live as we lived in 2008, before the crisis.

How would you explain the fact that many people who belong to the middle class had fully consciously voted for Golden Dawn in the second election on 17 June?

This is one of the many problems, which we might have found to exist but which we refused to deal with. I think we will experience them intensely from now on.

I would like to say that the political materials of Golden Dawn: nationalism, xenophobia, racism and many others did not come along with it. They existed and were spread across the political spectrum. You can hear nationalist, racist and xenophobic speeches of leaders of progressive parties too.

Golden Dawn was able to attract the people by expressing precisely those elements, which had already existed. In this case, we are paying for the lack of democratic education in society.

I fear that the price will become higher in the future. It was not only the residents in the centre, where they have the problem with security, who elected Golden Dawn,  people in the countryside also voted for it and the worst thing is that the younger generations supported it as well. The most disturbing for me is that we are talking about the point where politics meets with hooliganism. And that is the worst we can face as a society.


Tags: PoliticsPublic administrationRenegotiationOppositionTakis Theodoropoulos
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