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The executioner from "17 November" has published his memories

07 March 2014 / 21:03:48  GRReporter
2792 reads

The terrorist group "17 November" had intended to kidnap the head of the CIA in Greece, kill former commanders-in-chief of the Greek army and prominent shipping magnates. Its members had stolen explosives from various military units and, in the coastal villages of Sessi and Vravrona near Athens, they had organized "trainings" to learn to shoot missiles. The terrorists had used for their chasings a car specially equipped with a camera and the exact number of their hiding places is not yet known. During the robberies, the members of the group had appeared dressed in police uniforms and shot at the real law enforcement forces that had arrived at the site of the attacks.

These are some of the activities of the terrorist organization that has illed 23 people in its 27-year history, described by Dimitris Koufodinas in a book published by the prestigious Greek publishing house "Livanis".
The news has provoked a storm of political and social responses. New Democracy has directly criticized the main opposition SYRIZA party since the editor and compiler of the book entitled "I was born on 17 November" is a member of the far-left "Rose", which is one of the constituents of the radical left groups.

Social networks users have however responded more strongly to the fact that "Livanis" publishing house has provided a cold-blooded killer with a platform, fame and money.

"To 'Livanis' publishing house: A bloody book, blood money," wrote in his Facebook profile Kostas Bakoyannis, the son of Pavlos Bakoyannis who was shot dead in 1989.

"Of course, if all publishers had turned their backs on Koufodinas and had openly rejected his book we wouldn’t have been talking about limiting freedom of speech but about the dignity of the publishing community. Alas, impudence and greed have always prevailed," was the reaction of young and very popular writer Avgoustos Korto.

His colleague and independent deputy Petros Tatsopoulos wrote, "An assassin who had attacked his unsuspecting victims in the rear, shooting at them, has published his "autobiography", putting on the cover pictures of ... fighters of the Liberation Army of Greece, EAM - ELAS. Shame on "Livanis" publisher. SHAME. This is not sacrilege. This is sloppy."

"I am particularly sceptical of consumer "boycotts" of companies the behaviour of which insults us. Business is business but, on the other hand, we vote with our money and according to our own criteria in terms of capitalism. However, I cannot refrain from commenting on the fact that every time a company lays off staff, transfers activities abroad, affects public opinion in another way, or its ad is annoying, I hear calls for a boycott of its products. In the case of this killer, I have not heard anything like that. Kostas Bakoyannis wrote, "A bloody book, bloody money". I will never buy anything from "Livanis" publishing house," is the opinion of businessman and commentator Grigoris Farmakis.

"Livanis" publishing house has the right to publish the book by every killer it wants and we all have the right to unmask him and boycott his books. Personally, I will do so, and for a long time. I have only one request: Leave Voltaire alone. The right of expression is surely undeniable. However, the publication of a book by a terrorist, a killer, who has not repented and urges emerging groups to carry out criminal acts even today, is completely outside the context of the "free flow of ideas." It is seen as a political act that is at least irresponsible, especially in the current situation when there is a clear revival of the particular space," adds expert in political communication Eftichis Vardoulakis.

While the controversy in the public domain is continuing, Free Thinking Zone bookshop has issued a communication to inform its customers that they will not find Koufodinas’ book on its shelves. "The right to freedom of every person is irreversible. The right to life is irreversible too and it is above all things. And the first right cannot exist without the second" is the message of its owner Areti Georgilis who has dedicated a place in the window to "the books that the victims of D. Koufodinas would have written."

Tags: SocietyBookLivanis publishing houseTerrorism17 NovemberDimitris Koufodinas
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