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Exhausting victory of Olympiakos over Cibona

11 February 2010 / 10:02:08  GRReporter
2579 reads

Emanuela Karastoyanova

The game from the Top 16 of the Euro league between the basketball teams of Olympiakos and Cibona, played on the SEF stadium in Athens ended with a score of 78:75. Both teams showed a really spectacular game in which there were plenty of dramatic moments. The victory for the white and red team was difficult and it was literary achieved by fight fiercely and in the very last moment… The evening of the score and the gaining of even a small advance took the hosts an entire game… They did not manage to break easily the defense of Cibona, which many times turned out to be a crucial for the score factor. In the very first ten minutes the guests managed to take the lead which they kept for a rather long time, by almost convincing the audience that although they are just guests, exactly they are the masters of the field. The team of Olympiakos was not in its usual shape. Definitely out of shape was the player Childress who seemed as he prefers to pass back the ball to his team mates rather than attacking himself and his participation in the game was mostly as a defense player not always very successful. Josh didn’t play very fearlessly and the for old Childress we know from the past games reminded just one very spectacular point scored in the middle of the second half. Linas Kleiza contributed a lot for the team of the hosts who was extremely active this evening. By scoring points many times in a hard battle he managed to warm up the hearts of the audience. A good game with strong attacks showed also Papaloukas, however not all the time he managed to score points for his team – Cibona showed e very effective defense which definitely made it difficult for the hosts. Despite of the fact that Cibona is one of the weakest teams in the Top 16 players like Gordon, Udrih and Bagaric are enough to cause problems to their opponent and lead its motivated team towards the victory. This evening this almost happened…

Olympiakos (Panagiotis Giannakis): Papaloukas, Penn, Childress, Vujcic, Halperin, Kleiza, Linas, Mavrokefalides, Glyniadakis, Papanikolaou, Beverly, Teodosic, Schortsanitis

Cibona (Velimir Perasovic): Vrbanc, Gordon, Bogdanovic, Troha, Radosevic, Andric, Bagaric, Zubcic, Udrih, Tomas

Tags: Olympiakos victory Cibona Basketball
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