Title photo: skai.gr
In this extremely alarming international situation, the first decisions of the cabinet on the economy seem less important. The issue is about a huge step backwards, about socialist practices that were applied and collapsed around the world, namely cancelling the liberalisation of the electricity market, cancelling the privatisation of airports and the increased involvement of private investors in the port of Piraeus, introducing additional regulations in the labour market, increasing the minimum wage. In the first days after the elections, the Athens Stock Exchange has collapsed due to the lack of any support and the yield of Greek bonds has reached bankruptcy levels.
The first evaluation is gloomy: the government seems determined to blackmail the European Union to haircut the debt and to fund a policy of fiscal deficits and social benefits. This policy has no chance of being accepted by any member state of the euro zone.
The Greek people, who under the burden of austerity, have set their hopes on SYRIZA do not seem to understand that the first actions of the government are leading Greece towards total disaster."