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A great decrease of the Greek investments in the countries from south – eastern Europe

10 February 2010 / 14:02:23  GRReporter
2864 reads

Greek entrepreneurs are closing down their activities and branches in the countries from south – eastern Europe. Over 40 companies with Greek interests have terminated their activities in Bulgaria in 2009 as a result of the spread economic crises. According to latest information in the country there are active 2000 Greek companies, 600 of which are producing companies and over 1400 are dealing with construction and real estate properties trade. Greece is one of the main investors in the Bulgarian economy and plays an important role for the economic growth of the country. “The increase of the unemployment and the decrease of the liquidity in some regions are only a part of the consequences for the countries of south – eastern Europe, where Greece is the main investor,” says an article of the electronic issue of the Katemerini newspaper.

The difficult economic conditions had the strongest impact on the construction industry. According to the Bulgarian chamber of construction 25% of the active construction companies in Bulgaria are expected to close down in 2010. Particularly sensible is the influence of the crises on the direct investments in Bulgaria. According to data announced by the National statistical institute in Sofia for the period January – July 2009 the Greek direct investments amount to 69,6 million euro. This amount is four times less than the amount of the direct Greek investments in Bulgaria as compared to the same period in the year 2008 when they were almost 296,7 million euro. In spite of the decrease Greece is the third largest investor in the country following Austria and Netherlands with a total amount of investments of about 2,8 billion euro for the past year.

In Romania the amount of the direct Greek investments up to 2008 were 3,1 billion euro or 6,5% of all direct investments in the country. The total amount of the Greek corporations and companies with Greek interests in Romania reaches 577 and they cover a wide aspect of activities – from construction to trade and distribution of church goods. As a result from the losses suffered many of the Greek companies in the country have laid off workers or have closed down their activities, which left unemployed over 10 thousand Romanians.

The unemployment problem in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is also very big. About 30% of the population has no permanent job. As a result of this the purchasing power of the Macedonian citizens is extremely low and the market is very limited. On the territory of the Republic of Macedonia there are about 280 active Greek companies, which for the past ten years have invested in their north – western neighbor over one billion euro. Under the conditions of the present financial crises and the insecurity of the future, many of the Greek entrepreneurs have decided to limit their expenses and avoid new investments.

Tags: Balkans investments economy
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