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Greece is to participate in Eurovision

15 January 2013 / 19:01:30  GRReporter
3811 reads

Despite everything Greece will participate in the Eurovision song contest to the delight of its fans and dismay of its opponents, who define it as a "circus." The management board of the public ERT television channel has decided to put an end to the uncertainty about the participation of the country in the particularly popular song contest, although the formal communication does not sound firm. It states that the decision has been taken "on the basis of the high rating of the contests and on condition that ERT will not bear the economic burden of the participation. On the contrary, the aim is to record profits as well."

In order for this to happen, ERT should have found a sponsor for the Greek participation. As Johnny Kalimeris, who is in charge of the show programmes, had indicated in previous statements, the government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou had ordered that the participation of Greece in the contest should not cost the public broadcaster even a single euro. And the costs are not low and include the creation and recording of the songs of candidates, the production of music CDs, advertising costs, the salaries of the employees responsible for the design of the participation, costs of transportation and of accommodation of the Greek delegation in Malmö. The announcement, however, does not indicate which company has undertaken to cover the costs.

According to "Espresso" newspaper, the major sponsor of the participation will be MAD music channel. The article states that such cooperation is not unprecedented since the Russian public television had also "formed an alliance" with a private TV when it hosted the contest in 2009.

The conditions for taking part in the contests are not yet clear either. However, rumours about the eventual representative of Greece in Eurovision have already started. "If they call me I will not refuse to send a song that I will choose alone. This is a fair to be held," the performer of songs in the traditional "rebetiko" style Agatonas Iakovidis told Star TV and the rumour that Greece will participate in the contest with such a song has immediately been spread.

According to other sources, the most probable candidates now are the singers Angeliki Iliadi and Thomai Apergi. Eleni Foureira, Michalis Hatziyiannis and Myronas Stratis complement the unofficial list of candidates to represent Greece in Malmö.

People who are very  familiar with the developments say that the first selection of the candidates, who will reach the finals of the contest to determine the Greek representative, will be held this week. They say that this year, there will be many surprises in relation to the musical style of the song since different tunes - from pure Greek ones to jazz - are expected in the finals.

Tags: Media newsEurovisionERTSong contest
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