As Haris Pampoukis wrote that the Greek state would seek any available means to remove the direct damage caused by the corrupt practices the company had applied in the past. Obviously, the affected companies’ administrations were expected to take the same measures prescribed by law. The clarification of the matter was a prerequisite to trace the circumstances of fines, particularly for breach of the obligation for transparency and observance of fair competition as had happened in other "involved" parties concerning the fair and impartial assessment of the competent state authorities.
According to the State Minister Haris Pampoukis, "the German company is commercially interested to respond to the Greek claims and to help search for the truth." He stressed in an interview for Radio Vima 99.5 that Greece was a historical market for the company that was interested to restore its reputation.
Haris Pampoukis said that it was a "global scandal" some features of which affect Greece. He also said that the truth must be found regardless of the limitation period because "people have to know it."