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Greek neoclassicism in American architecture

11 August 2009 / 10:08:32  GRReporter
5808 reads

- Although that the Greek renaissance was most popular between the 30s and 60s of 19th century, in the years after the Civil war, the interest towards classical architecture remains- not only the Greek one but also the Roman. At that time we started calling it neoclassicism or Beaux arts, meaning beautiful art. The French term is used to symbolize the use of Greek and Roman classical architecture in the construction of public buildings, churches and schools in France. The Greek impact in American architecture can be seen until the 20th century- the Lincoln memorial being an example. It resembles a Greek temple- by the elements used and by their style, modified and adapted to the American atmosphere. Inspired by the Greek ancient architectures is also the Supreme Court building in Washington, evident in its frontal façade.


- Currently, is this architectural style still popular or has it been left in the past?

- It is very much a part of America's architectural history. Every now and then, however, we can see modern architects using this neo-Greek renaissance. Now it is used for houses more than for public buildings. Some people still prefer the simple classical lines, the symmetry and the balance. They still prefer Greek elements, such as the ones around the doors, around the corners of the building, the wide roof moldings. So, yes, architects continue to use Greek renaissance elements, here in Maine, as well as all over America.

Tags: Greek neoclassicism American architecture
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