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Greek bureaucracy hampered Game of Thrones

09 July 2014 / 17:07:28  GRReporter
4050 reads

The Greek island of Ikaria, known for its residents who often live long after the age of 100 years, missed the chance of becoming a scene of the popular series that is holding millions of viewers worldwide in front of television screens.

According to the Greek media, the producers of Game of Thrones who are travelling around the globe to find the most suitable places for the filming of the fifth season of the series had chosen the Aegean island. They were inspired by the beauty of Ikaria and started the preparation process. However, the proverbial Greek bureaucracy faced them with so many obstacles that they gave up the idea of filming there.

The Greek publications do not indicate the particular difficulties that had forced the authors of the series to give up Ikaria. However, users from the island with a sense of humour wrote on social networks that the producers of Game of Thrones wanted to use about 500 inhabitants of the island as extras.

"Then they were informed that, for this purpose, these people need to open sole proprietorships and to pay high insurance fees to the insurance fund of freelancers. In addition, the Greek association of actors claimed for rights in connection with the filming. Moreover, the director of the production house had to open sole proprietorship as well and to pay insurance, and should submit the dragons to the local forestry enterprise because of the risk of fire. In consequence, Khaleesi left for other places," add the jokers. Actually, the story sounds very real except for the dragons, of course.

Ultimately, the filming will take place in Alcazar palace in Seville, Spain. However, it is not yet clear whether the already captured footage of Ikaria will be used, such as that of Meteora that could be seen in the distance from Jon Arryn’s castle, Eyrie.

Tags: CinemaGame of ThronesFilmingIkariaBureaucracy
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