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Greek myths in Martha Graham’s dances

03 July 2014 / 18:07:39  GRReporter
6965 reads

In a few days Athens will host the long-awaited world premiere of the continuers of Martha Graham’s dance legacy, the Martha Graham Dance Company. They will present the play "Celebrating the Greek Connection" in Herodion Theatre on 12 July.

The ballet troupe will return to Greece for a short tour that will remind the audience of the main sources of inspiration of the legendary dancer and choreographer who has changed contemporary dance with her expressionistic and intense dance expression, in contrast to classical ballet.

Clytemnestra, Agamemnon, Jason, Penelope, Odysseus are just some of the characters of ancient Greek mythology who occupy a central place in Graham’s research work. Thus, the audience in Athens will have the opportunity to see the famous choreography "Errand", which Martha Graham herself performed with Mark Ryder at the premiere of the play in New York in 1947.

Art critics of the time praised this dance spectacle, which is based on the myth of Theseus and in which the demon of fear lies in the personal labyrinth of each of us. The programme also includes a new choreography by Antonis Foniadakis, "Echo", a Martha Graham Dance Company tribute to a recognized actor in Hollywood.

It is significant that Foniadakis was selected to make the kinesiology of the characters in blockbuster "Noah" directed by Darren Aronofsky. The evening will end with the "Panorama" choreography - one of Martha Graham’s most significant works created during the rise of fascism, which will be performed by students at the Greek State School of Orchestral Art.

The Greek tour of the "Celebrating the Greek Connection" show will end at Herodion Theatre following its performances in Nauplion (5 July), Thessaloniki (7-8 July) and Ithaca (10 July). Tickets for the show in Athens are available at Athens Festival box offices (


Tags: DanceMartha GrahamMartha Graham Dance CompanyHerodeon TheatreAthensTour
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