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H1N1 claims two new lives- a middle-aged Bulgarian and a boy from Thessaloniki died on Friday

22 November 2009 / 21:11:41  GRReporter
2410 reads

A forty-year old Bulgarian man and a boy from Thessaloniki were killed by the new flu on Friday, November 21. The Center for Diseases Control and Prevention announced that the official number of people infected with the virus for the third week of November has reached 975- three times more than the previous week when they were 332. Since the outbreak of the new flu 4172 people have been tested and confirmed to have the disease, while the virus has infected 320 thousand others without causing conditions more serious than a normal flu. This number is expected to double until the end of the year.

The death cases up to now are nine and the patients treated in intensive care units throughout the country are thirteen- four that only have the flu symptoms without other health complications, three that are overweight and other three with immune-suppressive diseases. Research shows that the H1N1 death rate ratio will be 1:1000. According to latest information two children infected with the new flu have been admitted for intensive care- a girl at the age of 11 who is also suffering from tuberculosis and a boy aged 7.5 without any accompanying diseases. Both kids were hospitalized after expressing the syndrome of acute breathing insufficiency.

With prevention of the new flue spreading in mind, numbers of schools and kindergartens are cancelling classes. Monday, November 23, the mass campaign for citizens’ vaccination is going on, starting with the groups of highest risk- medical personnel, the elderly, children with chronic diseases who are over 6 months of age, blood donors, as well as people that are taking care of children less than 6 months of age. The deputy minister of health, Fofi Genimata said that Greece is not the only country facing the risk of an epidemic. She added that the international experience will be applied in order to effectively fight with the H1n1 spread.


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