The European Central Bank, talks, Greek government debt, measures
3. A clear plan about the transfer of 12,500 new employees and lay-offs of 4,000 employees by the end of 2013. At the same time, there should be a plan of appointments and dismissals by 2016.
4. Debts of the state amounting to 250 million euro to the public water supply company in Athens and Thessaloniki should be cleared again by responsible ministries. The same should happen with the state-owned gas company DEPA, to which individuals owe nearly 450 million euro.
5. The financial deficit amounting to 1.9 billion euro, discovered by the Troika for the period 2013-2014, should be finally covered. It mostly refers to obligations of the National Organization for the provision of health services (1 billion euro), as well as the deficit of the organization which insures freelancers, amounting to 600 million euro.
6. Measures of the new Insurance Act should be finalized with a cut of supplementary pensions and the lump-sum for retirement. This will mitigate diversions that are expected in insurance funds (for this year they are estimated at 1.7-2 billion euro).
7. Final decisions on privatization should also be taken.