Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the National Bank of Greece Petros Christodoulou had resigned as announced by the Chief Executive Officer of Greece's largest private financial institution, Alexandros Tourkolias, at yesterday's general meeting of the bank. Some information indicates that Christodoulou has accepted an attractive proposal from a US financial institution. It is noted that the banker has been part of the National Bank of Greece since 1998, except for the two years, from 2010 to 2012, when he served as the director of the Public Debt Management Agency. Then Petros Christodoulou was an active participant in the negotiations of the Greek government with its private creditors on the haircut of Greece's debt to them that has remained in history with the abbreviations PSI and PSI+ (Private Sector Involvement).
The financier will remain a regular member of the Board of the National Bank of Greece which announced that there is no conflict of interest in connection with his new job at the US investment fund. So, the new management board of the group is the following:
Chief Executive Officer - Alexandros Tourkolias
Deputy Chief Executive Officers - Dimitrios Dimopoulos, Pavlos Milonas and Paula Hatzisotiriou
Chairman of the Management Board - George Zanias
Members - Petros Christodoulou, Stavros Koukos, Efthimios Katsikas
Independent members - Dimitrios Afendoulis, Stefanos Vavalidis, Spiridon Theodoropoulos, Alexandra Papaleksopoulou-Benopoulou, Petros Sabatakakis
Representatives of the Financial Stability Fund - Alexandros Makridis, Haralambos Makkas