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July brings the biggest changes in our lives

01 July 2013 / 13:07:01  GRReporter
5754 reads


In this article I will present to you the astrological picture for the period from 1 to 31 July. As usual, I will start with the general situation and will make the individual forecasts afterwards.

In the previous article I informed you that a kind of relief was typical for June which would be followed by a movement in all areas. As it is a continuous process, the focus in June was primarily on communication and social spheres - ideas, thoughts, intentions, plans, communication, dealings. There was an opportunity for new "brilliant" fraudulent schemes in the world to evolve or to be revealed, and for good traders and entrepreneurs as well as for skilful scammers and scoundrels to appear. Media, information structures and means of communication had to take a central position and there was a strong desire for a social and verbal expression as well. The long-term plans that were started in June had no potential for materializing but small steps and short-term goals had much better chances.

I recommended that you should observe, in the first ten days of June, what people were surrounding you and what events were happening around you, especially in connection with your personal values, security and stability in life. Those were the days when everyone had unwittingly entered the stream of life to find themselves where they should be. The second half of June brought a feeling and desire to somehow live outside of the normal rhythm and routine. In most cases, this happens unconsciously and mostly to people who are feeling out of place and who want to find their place, and that is why it seems that they "carelessly" go with the tide of life. In this regard, I expected some sort of extremes in the behaviour of large groups of people of the kind, "Let’s bring a little chaos."
What do the planetary configurations show in July?

The first half of the month is still charged with life outside of the normal rhythm and with the apparent chaos on the surface. However, its aim is to bring some type of rearrangement to find ourselves where we belong. I assume these will be days of extremes because the final retrograde phase of Mercury started on 27 June and it will continue to 20 July. Usually the periods of these phases of Mercury are days when we dig back in time - ideologically, mentally and communicatively - and things that are important but have not been noticed come to the fore. A mistake or confusion draws our attention, driving us to open our eyes and see it.

This generally affects the public and private life. On the days of Mercury’s retrograde phase, it is better for us to look behind and pay attention to information, ideas and thoughts which occur to us and which have so far remained unnoticed, as we did not pay attention to them.

Mercury's retrograde phase as well as the new moon in July take place in a section whose symbol is associated with renovation, fertility and the safe course of all running processes. This period is exceptionally favourable for circumstances like "Let us start again, let us restart things. Let us go back and start from the starting point." This affects things that have failed the first time. Do not miss the chance to resume what was once ruined, as it is now right in front of your eyes. Such moments are rare in the cosmic order.

The second half of the month will bring a strong impetus to find the best - a man, project, place, etc. - and to focus on it. These will be productive days and they will clarify the circumstances in which you find yourself. In social terms, things will subside, chaotic situations here and there around the world will settle down and it will be the turn of "essential things" and of drawing up plans.

July will bring some of the biggest changes in our lives - directly for some and indirectly for others. A few months ago, I wrote the following: After 10 March, there will be a change in "the lens" - a change in the focus and in what we see around us. Direction in life - this is the most important topic that will be relevant in the world and regarding the individual. A new direction in any area of ​​life will gradually form almost for everyone, the first steps being in March.

As you made your bed between 10 March and 25 July, so you must lie on it over the following 20 years. Observe the direction of your life. What is present as a major theme in your mind in terms of thoughts, ideas, plans; where are you (in what environment), what are you doing, who are the people around you?

In social and political terms, these months will lay the beginning of a new direction of development which will be relevant over the next 20 years. The challenges to rules and authoritative people in the world are not coincidental. They show the appropriate leaders for this new direction of development which needs a certain type of people. This period ends in July and it will bring clarity as to this new direction; we will clearly see the foundation on which we will build in the years to come.

I will now specify how July will affect the various sectors of the zodiac - what topics will be stimulated, what type of events you could expect. I will make a brief analysis of all of them. Find your date of birth in the descriptions below.

29 December - 9 January

Tags: July forecastAstro schoolGalyRetrograde MercuryPlanetsZodiac signsIndividual horoscope
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