What does personal success in life mean? When do we feel successful? Everybody perceives success differently. However, it is always related to what we do and create. And we always measure it with material and social achievements, hierarchical positions, titles, and sometimes a certain dose of fame and popularity. Nevertheless, too often, we cannot explain how people with similar capacities do one and the same activity, but are at different levels on the scale of public success. This is a question that often does not give us peace and seems to be inexplicable.
Today's article is about where the hidden key to our personal success is and what determines whether our personal aspirations and activity will be successful. Do we have a "ceiling" in terms of success and can we fail despite the fact that we have done our best? We usually explain success with chance, luck, or fate. Of course, this is not far from the truth - to the contrary.
What is success? Success is something directly related to our own sense of importance and the feeling that we are the best at something and we do it very well. But the feeling that you are important means nothing if there is nobody around you. Success is always related to other people. We always compare ourselves to others, when estimating success. What we try to be successful it would be meaningless if there is no audience and it is not compared to other people’s achievements.
Our success and achievements always depend on people who live in the environment in which we show our skills. We want to know whether others rank us among the best and whether they accept and appreciate or reject what we do. Even if we do our best, if it is not appreciated it is a failure for us, not success.
Doing our best in what we do is indispensable but not enough. It is the people around us who provide or deprive us of a chance to succeed. The environment in which we show our skills holds the key to our success and defines the "ceiling" we can reach.
In the individual horoscope, the tenth house, counted from the Sun sign and Ascendant, indicates the highest point for which we strive, what success we seek and how we achieve it – such as a desired realisation of vital energy, but also purely material things such as achievements, positions, titles, respect and status in society. However, in order to understand what the success of our personal aspirations will be, we must count the tenth house starting from the tenth. This will take us to the seventh original house, the basic meaning of which is: "Other people in our lives, those with whom we live and communicate, as well as popularity and relationships with the community around us."
What is the most suitable kind of environment for our personal achievements? This is the environment in which our personal goals and activities are most likely to be appreciated.
I will describe what information we can get based on the Sun sign under which you were born and the sign of your Ascendant. The Sun in the individual horoscope is very important in terms of achievements and success. But the Ascendant is responsible for material status and achievements, such as titles, public and social positions, etc. The planets that fall in the seventh house are also of great importance, as well as the state of the planet which rules it. However, this requires a more complex individual analysis that should be made by an astrologer. I will introduce you to the more general characteristics related only to the sign in which the seventh house falls, calculated according to the Sun and the Ascendant.
Sun or Ascendant in Aries
The seventh house falls in Libra. It is ruled by Venus. The environment in which you can get the best chances of success is related primarily to the social side of life. There is a lot of desire for harmony, balance and equilibrium in it, but it lacks skills for independence and a fighting spirit - something you are perfectly good at. Your ability to successfully resolve conflicts and take immediate and concrete decisions, sign transactions and contracts and take the lead will be appreciated in such an environment. These are areas related to protection of people, protection of peace, the justice system, social organisations, international relations, diplomacy, etc. The position of Venus in your personal horoscope shows how high the ceiling of your public success is.
Sun or Ascendant in Taurus
The seventh house falls in Scorpio and is ruled by Mars (and Pluto). The environment in which you can get the best chances of success is the most difficult for each society. There are a lot of struggles for survival and coping with crisis situations. Your ability to keep calm and stay imperturbable and be firm even during the most serious human events will be appreciated there. These are areas related to tax structures, security forces, the underworld, associations of civil protection in disaster, etc., but also the field of occult knowledge and practices and the secret of life. The position of Mars (and Pluto) in your personal horoscope shows how high the ceiling of your public success is.
Sun or Ascendant in Gemini