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The lamb is sold like hot cakes in the days before Easter

01 April 2010 / 14:04:24  GRReporter
2616 reads

V. Mindova

A great excitement has captured the markets throughout the whole Greece. Regardless of the crisis and the increased taxes this year again, the traditional lamb will be on the Greek Easter table. The central covered market for meat and fish Varvakios in the heart of Athens is crowded with people looking for the freshest and most tender lamb for the festive day. In a research of GRReporter we discovered that contrary to the pessimistic expectations of the economic specialists this spring there is no drastic increase of the retail prices of the lamb and the meat products and there is no decrease in the demand.

“Easter is a big holiday in Greece and the tradition requires that there is lamb on spit in each home on this day. The common people could do without a new cloth or a trip, however there will be plenty of lamb on the festive table,” comments a salesman from the market. Another one admits that some of his regular clients are buying two-three kilograms less, however as a whole he is happy with the movement of the market. “We have lived through a lot heavier times in Greece. During the occupation in World War II we were going around bare footed and we were only having meat twice a year. Now when everybody is talking about a crisis we have to support the local producers and purchase only Greek meat,” says a pensioner regarding the economic crisis and the conditions on the market. Regarding the increase of the VAT, a butcher from the market with long term experience in the retail says: “The slight increase of the prices is inevitable after the increase of the VAT, however the difference of the price for the end user is not so big – 30 – 50 euro cents.”

The Minister of economy, development and merchant marine Luka Katseli visited the Athenian meat market Varvakios as a sign of support for the traders and the local commerce. “The prices of the meat in these difficult days are at the same levels as they were last year. We have to join our efforts and support the people who are going through some difficult times today and we have to give our best in order to overcome the economic crises,” says Minister Katseli for journalists between the full stands and the seas of buyers. She explained that the market is the heart of the economy and that is why the government has to support both the local producers and the traders, however also the consumers.


Tags: EconomyMarketsLamb
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