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Leo Drama Lurking in August

01 August 2014 / 17:08:04  GRReporter
7024 reads

This article will introduce you to the astrological picture for the period 1- 31 August. I will start with the general picture and then make an individual prognosis for each sign.
In the previous article I informed you that the New Moon marking July takes place in an area associated with God's wrath.

The point is that one should be cautious when acting to achieve something, not to awaken the wrath of God. In practice, this was a perfect time to identify targets, to find the correct application of your powers – just like hunters identify their targets, which is achievable, and have enough power to shoot. The objectives that do not correspond to your knowledge, skills, abilities and, last but not least, to your financial abilities, can bring great disappointment and subsequently losses.

In the social and political aspect, what have been provoked are the desires and strong aspirations to conquer. Materialism and the rush to bite a big piece off earthly goods somehow prevailed. Redistribution of global wealth is going full steam during the summer months. There was a serious risk of misdirected powers doing more harm than good.

Especially dynamic were the days in the second third of the month. I expected to see a lot of changes during the month corresponding to the fact that "change is the surest thing in life." The political and social scene was going to be more unstable, where risks had to be taken, as some of them are the result of a desire to show off and prove yourself rather than actual capacity to cope with the situation.

The same held true for the personal aspect as well. You can notice around so many people bringing instability and changes in your life guided by their personal goals only, without considering your wishes and intentions.

Nevertheless, July was a successful month allowing for much better development in one’s endeavours and progress in life. In practice, within a few months - from June onwards, the social layers have begun to shift and what we can see is a redistribution of land resources. "The wheel is turning now" – some people are going down, and others are going up.

On 16 July, Jupiter, the symbol of opportunity, wellbeing and prosperity, entered the tropical zodiac sign of Leo. In this sign, Jupiter provokes creativity, constructive development, growth and progress, it strengthens our individualistic side, people’s world of ideas is getting bigger and bigger, the inner vision becomes a reality.

Also, foolish ego manifestations could be provoked, which can be very dangerous and bring more destruction than good. This could also lead to situations in a "much-ado-about-nothing" style. The initial “steps” of Jupiter in the sign of Leo are accompanied by "shrinking and thickening" of events, which seem to be pressing and highly restrictive. Only then, creation and growth take place.

As for natural phenomena, the month of July was "able" to bring us brighter and larger things than usual. As if everything in the world - both good and bad, was placed under a magnifying glass: we can see and feel it on a larger scale.

What to Expect in August 2014

The New Moon marking August is in Leo, and it is in a very accurate conjunct with Jupiter. It brings symbolism "flourishing, prosperity, nurturing", associated with everything that thrives and progresses slowly over time. The only "disturbing" element is that it takes place slowly – it begins with some restriction, a tight grasp, to grow to its best form. Last month, I wrote that the first steps of Jupiter, which contributes to wellbeing most, are accompanied by shrinking and tightening, pressure and restrictions.

Now, in August, it is fully activated. One way or another, society will have to approach carefully everything that needs to be protected and preserved and what is most valuable and important. In that respect, the things you cannot take hold of, the issues that burden you and the ones you cannot save and protect, contain some fragile element, and either are not meant for you, or you lack the skills to handle them. You will either use labour as a healing method or to invest “some nurturing element or resource” in them or they will fade away. Anyway, what you should be striving for is storage, preservation and protection.

In the public and political aspect, what I expect is for the pressure to drop in favour of seeking protection and preservation of life (meaning people, societies, unions, community groups, nature) as well as everything that is important in terms of life. Particular attention will be paid to agriculture and farming as well as to food.

I expect talks about leadership and people who are able to lead the masses. Each public leader will be subjected to a rigorous assessment - the wrong people will just drop out. In my June prognosis, I mentioned that the middle of this month will bring people of capacity into the spotlight. There are individuals who are destined to achieve some prominence and superiority, to do important things for people.

This applies both to states and to smaller human formations such as companies, teams and organisations. There might be sufficiently prominent people or people sitting in the back rows which no one has noticed yet. Those who have nothing more to give to the public, take off from the "Ferris wheel", making way for others who have more capacity for future development.
Therefore, every new leader who appears on the public scene and has some power to mark his/her bright presence, is a person who has the capacity and ability to achieve their goals. It doesn’t have to be a brand new figure.
All this can be noticed in the personal aspect too. In some teams, businesses, companies, and even in a social group like family, a shift in position takes place – office positions are being changed, responsibilities and assignments of various members.

Because of the “shrinking and tightening” circumstances that take place, the month may be full of dramatic situations, more or less. The Leo element makes them more dramatic than they are. So be ready for some exaggerations and more theatricality. Take note, however, of what is simpler, quiet and devoid of unnecessary decoration. It is such as it is very fragile, but sooner or later it will grow and become a solid "tree" bearing ripe good fruit.

As for the climate and weather conditions, mid-August can bring phenomena that are disturbing on a significant scale. It is possible that there will be human "storms, tornadoes and floods." At the end of the month, we can expecta  planetary picture, which, especially in the intimate world, brings a lot of rigour, lack of any tact, empathy and morality as well as cold and selfish behaviour.

 Below, you will find information about the way in which the different sectors of the zodiac will be affected in August - what topics will be provoked and what type of events can be expected. I will make a brief analysis of all of them.

Find your date of birth in the descriptions below.

29 December – 9 January

In August, the general environment seems to be full of hindrances and obstacles which will disturb you and your relationships. This is mainly due to inevitable changes in life, someone else’s or joint property, inheritance or sudden events.

You invest most of your energy in daily issues, the work environment and dealing with opponents - the month will be quite dynamic for you. The last days of August will be very productive, especially in terms of partnerships - both personal and professional. You will get help and support. The financial field is still a challenge for you. Your love life will face some challenges too, but the month is not appropriate for novelties.

10 January – 22 January

In August, the general environment seems to be very beneficial, it will bring you new achievements and results, especially with regard to relationships and partnerships - both personal and professional, as well as in connection with all kinds of financial and business initiatives.

You will invest most of your energy in your home, family, building security and stability, constructive issues and creativity. The last days of the period can be defined as a little test - be careful about all kinds of conflicts, especially in relation to household issues, daily routine, work assignments and responsibilities. Your financial situation will continue to be in bloom, it will bring you good partnerships – both in the business and personal sector. Your love life at the end of the month will bring you disappointment and confusion.

23 January – 4 February
In August, the general environment seems to be slightly irritating, with more challenges ahead mainly related to dealing with opponents, competition, domestic issues, daily work, assignments and commitments.

Travel will not be beneficial for you during the month. You will invest most of your energy in personal endeavours, initiatives and new projects, communication and siblings. Do not overstrain yourself because your energy is subjected to rapid depletion. Your financial situation is in an irritating state, the pressure doesn’t drop, financial conflicts are possible especially in relation to household and business issues. Your love life will present opportunities for a new beginning at the end of the month.

 5 February – 17 February
In August, the general environment seems to be particularly good - questions concerning your personal power and power / authority are affected as well as matters concerning your home, family, security and stability. You invest most of your energy in your life prosperity. Some enthusiasm can be noticed regarding all kinds of financial and material issues, benefits and investments. The month provides a great opportunity to spread your wings and "expand". The financial sector remains stable and profitable on issues related to home, family, children and building security. Your love will be a little unstable at the end of the month.

 18 February – 3 March
In August, the general environment seems to include impulsive and slightly risky steps, it will make you impatient, you will be faced with certain weaknesses related to your siblings, communication, personal endeavours and initiatives. You invest most of your energy in being efficient and productive, in launching something personal:  image, career, new life's development.

For some of you, the month is suitable for the conception of children. The last days are very effective for any business. The financial field is still characterised by certain weaknesses, confrontation and obstacles. Your love life will be challenged by mild disturbances in the middle of the month, it will be affected by competition and impulsive actions.

 4 March – 16 March
In August, the general environment seems to be very good and fruitful, particularly in relation to any financial and material issues, benefits and investments. Some of you may decide to get married or may be provided with such an opportunity. You invest most of your energy in your social circle, the friends and people that support/protect you, and you make personal desires and ambitions come true. In the last days of the month, you will direct your energy primarily to some personal beginning: a new project, new image or a new skill.

The financial sector remains in a very good state for investment and new resources. Your love life will bring a new beginning, the need to perform a task, but be careful at the end of the month.

 17 March – 30 March
In August, the general environment seems to be very productive for you, you are provided with opportunities for a lot of new things that can truly push you towards another direction in life. You rely mainly on yourselves, your personal skills, abilities, social and public image, and work responsibilities. You invest most of your energy in professional development, career, relationships with prominent individuals, education and, in general, in everything that has to do with public and social life as well as development. The financial area will also bring new things to your life: participation in new projects, new resources, changes in positions that can also affect it. Your love life is also going through a period of renovation, mostly in a favourable direction.

 31 March – 12 April
In August, the general environment seems to be very good, full of very useful things coming mainly from your social circle and friends. You might find benefactors and patrons, and make your personal desires and ambitions come true. You will invest most of your energy in handling a life twist and go through various oppositions (in terms of people and circumstances), but during the last days of the month you will use it mainly for your career and professional development.

 The financial sector remains in a favourable position, mostly in terms of achieving the goals set and finding people to support and help you. Your love life is in a harmonious phase, and the end of August will bring you a venture, assignment or some work through which you can improve it.

 13 April – 26 April

In August, the general environment is expected to be strong, supportive, cheerful and stimulating. This will particularly affect your professional development, career, social status and relationship with authority figures as well as your education. Briefly, August is expected to be one of your best months.

You invest most of your energy in relationships, associations, contracts, partnerships - both personal and professional. The last days of the month may be little challenging, but given the overall environment, the challenges are mainly in a successful direction. The financial sector remains good, you enjoy support and benevolence. Your love life will be going through a hard period earlier this month, but then it will be harmonised.

 27 April – 10 May
In August, the general environment seems to be little tiring, you will be faced with obstacles and challenges. This is mainly due to sudden and unexpected life twists, someone else’s and common resources, loans and banks. You invest most of your energy in domestic issues, daily routine, work assignments and responsibilities as well as clashes with opponents and adversaries.

The end of the month will make it necessary for you to take decisions regarding partner relationships - personal and professional, but with a positive twist, not in a degenerative direction. You will experience some difficulties in the financial area and be prepared for unexpected twists and events. Your love life is in a quite unpleasant state in the middle of the month and may bring you some disappointment.

11 May – 23 May
In August, the general environment is expected to be very favourable, nurturing and supportive. There will be some good news for you, especially in terms of contracts, agreements and partnerships - both personal and professional. You will invest most of your energy in achieving some personal power and strength, in issues related to home, family and children, in building some security and stability. In the last days of the month, be prepared for a little more activity in regard to domestic issues and work. The financial sector still remains under the sign of successful development thanks to good cooperation and relationships. Your love life will be more erratic, it may lead to problems and fatigue, with the exception of the days in the middle of the month.

24 May – 6 June             
In August, the general environment will be characterised by lots of work: tiring and exhausting, by much pressure and effort. You may have more opponents and people standing against you. You will invest most of your energy in handling obstacles and confrontation as well as in personal initiatives, endeavours and relationship with siblings. Some of you might even consider moving house or changing your place of residence. The end of the month will be successful though and if you need to do something important, delay it until then. The financial sector remains under the impact of challenges throughout the whole month. Your love life is in a good phase, except for the days around the middle of the month.

7 June – 20 June
In August, the general environment seems to be successful, nurturing and bringing stability in your life. This is connected primarily with your home, family, children and your creative self, with building security and stability. You invest most of your energy in your financial affairs, material acquisitions, investments and attempts to increase your wealth. The financial sector remains in a very good position, and you achieve success, which helps you make various improvements. Your love life is a little erratic, however, and you may face competition and conflict.

21 June – 4 July

In August, the general atmosphere is expected to be more dynamic, with more communication, motion, personal initiatives and ventures, as well as in regard to siblings. Prepare for obstacles to jump over and avoid risky situations. You invest most of your energy in your work and in creating a new image, in new projects or in changing your job or employer. The month is a very creative period for you. The financial sector remains dynamic, and you need to act, take initiatives and make endeavours. Your love life is fruitful, but prepare for obstacles and competition at the end of the month.

 July 5 – July 18

In August, the general environment is expected to be favourable and beneficial for you, suitable for any kind of entrepreneurship activities even risky ones. This is mostly related to financial and material acquisitions and investments. You put a lot of energy into your social circle and friends in search for patrons and dependable people to help you achieve your personal desires and goals. The last days of the month will shift your focus towards work, occupation and some might change their job or start new activities. Your financial status is still in a favourable position regarding any issues, acquisitions and new income sources. Your love life provides a new and fine opportunity and you feel great; invest some efforts in your physical attractiveness and results will not be long in coming.

19 July  – 1 August
In August, the general environment will be charged with a mighty start that will have an effect on you: things related to status, image, physical condition, manners, and behaviour. Be careful what you create, since it will stay in your life.  You invest most of your energy in your professional development, career, relationships with authority figures, and education. The financial sphere is still in its early stages as you are laying the foundations, therefore you should be careful and consider what you are setting as a foundation. Your love life is in a stage suitable for making a transition to a new phase.

2 August  – 15 August
In August, the general environment will be calm like the calm before a storm. You might feel you are on the threshold of important changes influencing your social and public circle and your entire life settings. Get some rest this month. You will invest most of your energy in accepting in your life inevitable and unexpected changes and adapt to them. The last days of the month will provoke your activity towards professional development, career, relationships with authority figures, and education. Your financial status is still in a favourable position and positives come from your social circle, friends, and patrons. You are provided with the opportunity to achieve your personal desires and ambitions.  Your love life is calm and uneventful; a new phase is approaching though.

16 August – 29 August
In August, the general environment will be pleasant and successful and, at the same time, a bit on the edge – just like in one of those moments when the surface is smooth but you feel something boiling underneath. You are steered towards professional development, career, relationships with authority figures, and education. You invest most of your energy in your relationships with the people around you, in contracts, agreements and partnerships - both professional and personal. Get ready for some surprises and changes at the end of the month. The financial situation is still ‘at rest’ and it cannot boast of much dynamics, but you feel something is stirring. Early in the month, your love life might be stirred which will lead to some serious consequences later, but as a whole it will be a calm month.

30 August – 12 September
In August, the general environment will be generating pleasant and calm life activities and then, mid-month, a sudden and surprising event will mark the beginning of a situation of great importance. You invest most of your energy in everyday life, routine activities, responsibilities and errands, and in overcoming opponents and people who set hindrances before you. The end of the month will steer you towards cooperation, contracts and partnerships, both professional and personal. Finances are still an active sphere for you and provide access to outside resources and solutions to common property issues. Your love life is in a harmonious phase.

13 September – 25 September
In August, the general environment will be beneficial, lucky and of happier circumstances mostly in relation to cooperation, agreements and partnerships, both professional and personal. You will invest most of your energy in your home, family, building security and stability. The end of the month will steer you towards everyday life issues and you might find it difficult to do your job. You will also feel tired of the more efforts you will have to make and the hard work you will have to do. Your finances are still a success, bringing you luck because of your good partnerships or your partners. Your love life is calm and harmonious.

26 September  – 9 October
In August, the general environment will be quite dynamic, too busy and there are hindrances you will not be able to avoid. They will be mostly in your everyday life, work, opponents and personal responsibilities. You invest most of your energy in personal initiatives and ventures, communication, travel and in relation to your siblings. You are inclined to risky and impulsive behaviour. The end of the month brings some calmness and success. Your financial situation is still a source of worries and preoccupation with tedious details and circumstances, petty problems that keep harassing you. Your love life is in a fruitful stage and your activity will enhance mid-month.

10 October  – 22 October

In August, the general environment is favourable and calm mostly in relation to matters at home, family, and children and provides opportunity for stability and security. New ventures are not recommended though. You invest most of your energy in financial and material matters, acquisitions, investments, and income. The end of the month is dynamic and lively but could bring you some irritations in terms of communication and you will be less active in some personal initiatives and ventures. Your financial situation is still in a favourable position in August. Your love life will make you feel tired early in the month, but the end of the month will revive it.

23 October – 4 November
In August, the general environment will be tiresome and exhausting, you will have your challenges and problems in almost all spheres, but mostly with your siblings and personal initiatives and ventures. You will invest most of your energy in yourself: appearance, body, physique, image, behaviour and manners. Be wary of accidents since you are ‘open’ for health problems. The end of the month activates you with respect to financial and material matters. Your finances are still in an unfavourable position which further exhausts you. Your love life is on the downside midmonth – something is exhausting you and creating conflict there.

5 November  – 18 November
In August, the general environment will be favourable, moving you upward and improving your life as a whole. This is mostly in connection with finances: material means, acquisitions, investments, ample income sources. You invest most of your energy in your social circle, friends, patrons and in achieving your personal goals and ambitions. The end of the month steers you towards yourself: image, physical condition, manners, and behaviour. Be wary of probable accidents and health issues. Your financial situation is still making you optimistic of successful development, growth and progress.  Your love life is about to ‘beget’ something new – be careful what it is as it will bear fruit.

19 November – 1 December
In August, the general environment will be efficient, productive and the month brings you some blessing: you are sowing the seeds of your future in some way. The main focus is on you – your skills, knowledge, and abilities. You invest most of your energy in your professional development, career, relations with people of authority, and education. The end of the month makes you more active towards your social circle, friends, patrons, benefactors and people who help you achieve your desires and intentions. Your finances are still in regeneration through new creative processes and projects, new income sources. Your love life is balanced and the end of the month is setting something that will lead to an important event.

2 December  – 14 December
In August, the general environment will be calm on the surface but requiring your focus and precaution especially in relation to your social circle, friends, patrons and benefactors in order not to miss a chance provided. You will invest most of your energy in chasing a highly desired turning point in life or in accessing others’ resources, loans, banks, inheritance. The end of the month makes you more active towards your professional development, career, and education. Your finances are still in a favourable position: new doors open for support in making your personal desires and intentions come true. You enjoy a favourable love life.

15 December  – 28 December
In August, the general environment will be favourable and calm, with more than a dash of routine. This is mostly related to your professional development, career, education, and relations with persons of authority. You invest most of your energy in cooperation, agreements, and partnerships, both professional and personal, which bring you some luck. The end of the month is calm and brings social and friendly communication into focus. The finances bring favourable circumstances derived mostly from your professional sphere and opportunities for development. Your love life early in the month brings challenges, disappointments which can have far reaching impact.


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