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Leo Drama Lurking in August

01 August 2014 / 17:08:04  GRReporter
7133 reads

This article will introduce you to the astrological picture for the period 1- 31 August. I will start with the general picture and then make an individual prognosis for each sign.
In the previous article I informed you that the New Moon marking July takes place in an area associated with God's wrath.

The point is that one should be cautious when acting to achieve something, not to awaken the wrath of God. In practice, this was a perfect time to identify targets, to find the correct application of your powers – just like hunters identify their targets, which is achievable, and have enough power to shoot. The objectives that do not correspond to your knowledge, skills, abilities and, last but not least, to your financial abilities, can bring great disappointment and subsequently losses.

In the social and political aspect, what have been provoked are the desires and strong aspirations to conquer. Materialism and the rush to bite a big piece off earthly goods somehow prevailed. Redistribution of global wealth is going full steam during the summer months. There was a serious risk of misdirected powers doing more harm than good.

Especially dynamic were the days in the second third of the month. I expected to see a lot of changes during the month corresponding to the fact that "change is the surest thing in life." The political and social scene was going to be more unstable, where risks had to be taken, as some of them are the result of a desire to show off and prove yourself rather than actual capacity to cope with the situation.

The same held true for the personal aspect as well. You can notice around so many people bringing instability and changes in your life guided by their personal goals only, without considering your wishes and intentions.

Nevertheless, July was a successful month allowing for much better development in one’s endeavours and progress in life. In practice, within a few months - from June onwards, the social layers have begun to shift and what we can see is a redistribution of land resources. "The wheel is turning now" – some people are going down, and others are going up.

On 16 July, Jupiter, the symbol of opportunity, wellbeing and prosperity, entered the tropical zodiac sign of Leo. In this sign, Jupiter provokes creativity, constructive development, growth and progress, it strengthens our individualistic side, people’s world of ideas is getting bigger and bigger, the inner vision becomes a reality.

Also, foolish ego manifestations could be provoked, which can be very dangerous and bring more destruction than good. This could also lead to situations in a "much-ado-about-nothing" style. The initial “steps” of Jupiter in the sign of Leo are accompanied by "shrinking and thickening" of events, which seem to be pressing and highly restrictive. Only then, creation and growth take place.

As for natural phenomena, the month of July was "able" to bring us brighter and larger things than usual. As if everything in the world - both good and bad, was placed under a magnifying glass: we can see and feel it on a larger scale.

What to Expect in August 2014

The New Moon marking August is in Leo, and it is in a very accurate conjunct with Jupiter. It brings symbolism "flourishing, prosperity, nurturing", associated with everything that thrives and progresses slowly over time. The only "disturbing" element is that it takes place slowly – it begins with some restriction, a tight grasp, to grow to its best form. Last month, I wrote that the first steps of Jupiter, which contributes to wellbeing most, are accompanied by shrinking and tightening, pressure and restrictions.

Now, in August, it is fully activated. One way or another, society will have to approach carefully everything that needs to be protected and preserved and what is most valuable and important. In that respect, the things you cannot take hold of, the issues that burden you and the ones you cannot save and protect, contain some fragile element, and either are not meant for you, or you lack the skills to handle them. You will either use labour as a healing method or to invest “some nurturing element or resource” in them or they will fade away. Anyway, what you should be striving for is storage, preservation and protection.

In the public and political aspect, what I expect is for the pressure to drop in favour of seeking protection and preservation of life (meaning people, societies, unions, community groups, nature) as well as everything that is important in terms of life. Particular attention will be paid to agriculture and farming as well as to food.

I expect talks about leadership and people who are able to lead the masses. Each public leader will be subjected to a rigorous assessment - the wrong people will just drop out. In my June prognosis, I mentioned that the middle of this month will bring people of capacity into the spotlight. There are individuals who are destined to achieve some prominence and superiority, to do important things for people.

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