The weapons cache found in a stolen car in Paleo Faliro, photos
6. The Phoenix plan. Conspiracy of Fire Cells members who are still at large
The Conspiracy of Fire Cells is just about the only terrorist organisation showing strong capacity in recruiting new members. Many of its older members are doing time in Korydallos jail. Others are either amid trial proceedings or released on bail. In the summer of 2013, Conspiracy of Fire Cells announced a plan under the symbolic name of Phoenix. The organisation has been frozen for a while as it was crippled by a number of arrests carried out by the police. Those of its members who are still at large have probably joined Ksiros’ group while maintaining their ties with the other terrorist organisations. A 35-year-old conspiracy member known under the initials P.A. has been hunted for two years now. He is the owner of the hideout car in Exarcheia, in which police found automatic rifles and grenades.
7. Vassilis Paleokostas, the master of escape
Paleokostas is a mythical figure. In his native region of Trikala, which he knows like the back of his hand, he has been moving easily with the help of locals. In 2011, according to police, his fingerprints were found on a parcel-bomb, which blew up in the office of Michalis Chrysochoidis, then Minister for Citizen Protection, and which killed his junior minister.
8. Paleo Faliro; Kostas Sakkas’ hideout
The case of the weapons cache found in a stolen car in Paleo Faliro is still open. Law enforcers believe this is Maziotis’ hideout, but this has yet to be proven. The stolen Opel Astra, containing an RPG, four rockets, three Kalashnikov assault rifles as well as scores of ammunition and hand grenades, was under surveillance by the counterterrorism police for a while, but no one cropped up. Another mystery is Kostas Sakkas who disappeared in breach of his bail. Although he was a suspect, his participation in any kind of terrorist action has not yet been proven.