Love attraction always starts nonverbally. Everything starts with the appearance and genetic imperative in the first few seconds. Sometimes, everything ends with the same too because there is something wrong in terms of communication. Everybody has had a short affair with "no words" at least once. Undoubtedly, words are unnecessary in love, but they are necessary for the partnership. We have not developed the ability to read thoughts yet. Men and women meet not only in order to bring up the next generation, but to be partners in life. Communication, the exchange of ideas and thoughts, plans, dreams, hopes and desires, is an integral part of a partnership.
It is very important for each relationship that people like the communication between them. Many relationships have failed because of this. Often, a strong physical attraction ends quickly, because it turns out that the people just cannot communicate, because it is uninteresting and boring for them. In today's article, I will write about what type of communication attracts us in love; how we communicate, what attracts our attention and suggests that a person's physical attraction will be complemented with good communication and that we will be interested in this person. And this is a guarantee of something which is more than a three-day sexual affair.
In the personal horoscope, Mercury has great importance in terms of the ways in which we communicate verbally - what style of communication we have, when we listen carefully and with interest and when we refuse to listen to others. The position of Mercury also provides information on topics that bring us a sense that we have good communication with our loved one.
Below, you will find general information about the position of Mercury in various zodiac signs. The position according to the house is also important, since it indicates the topics which we like. The position according to the sign and aspects of planets in terms of Mercury tell us what our speech and our style of communication is and when we listen carefully or when we don’t listen at all. And the position according to the house tells us what we love to talk about and in which topics we are most talkative.
I will inform you that Mercury is rarely separated from the sun by more than 28° and, therefore, it is usually in the sun sign for about 75% of people. For the remaining 25%, it is in one of the nearby signs. For example, if you were born under the sign of Aries, Mercury is in Aries for 75% of people. For the rest, it is either in Pisces, or in Taurus. Therefore, if you do not know the position according to the zodiac sign of Mercury in your personal horoscope, read the information about the sign in which the Sun falls.
Mercury in Aries or the first house
In love, you communicate in a very straightforward manner. You are absolutely unfamiliar with any tricks and prevarications. You say whatever you think. You like short talks in which there is a challenge and an opportunity for a "battle." You hate hints and do not understand how there are people who say one thing while thinking something completely different. If you like the person, but he or she speaks vaguely, intricately or evasively, you lose interest very quickly and stop listening to him or her. But if the other provokes you, your whole being starts glowing with pleasure.
You love discussing your personality, your individuality, your appearance and everything that affects you. You are extremely interested in talks about grooming and image - body, sports, physique, behaviour and manners.
Mercury in Tauru sor the second house
In love, you communicate very calmly, naturally and slowly. You consider well what you will say. You appreciate everything that comes out of your mouth and you never even tend to scatter your words. You don’t like stormy emotional conversations, or being flooded by a waterfall of words. If the other speaks too complicatedly or uses many foreign words and abstractions, you simply refuse to listen. You are realistic and bet on practicality, therefore all practical issues attract you. You prefer that the other not read poetry to you but talk about bank interest, for example.
You like discussing money, property and the material side of life, especially when these affect you personally. You rarely discuss anything in general which has no practical relevance for you.
Mercury in Gemini or the third house
In love, you communicate like a true virtuoso. I can say that you are the best in doing this. You like subtle communication – kind, without conflicting points and without controversy – simply, an exchange of opinions. You have the ability to talk 25 hours a day, literally. You can talk about absolutely everything – always and at any time. You are mostly attracted by people who can tell you something interesting with which you can supplement your knowledge – in such situations, all your senses sharpen and, unbelievable but true, you stop talking for a moment. You quickly get bored in conversations that are too emotionally intimate, too serious or purely domestic. You turn off your hearing ability within a second and in a few more seconds you simply disappear.
You love discussing all kinds of topics - it is very difficult to determine which topics are your favorites. You just love talks because of the flow of information in them, and because of the people you are talking to.
Mercury in Cancer or the fourth house
In love, you communicate very emotionally. It all depends on the emotion that the other provokes in you. You can be very careful and gentle, but extremely caustic and cruel if the other interrupts you sharply at a time when you are talking about your emotional world. You talk with a great deal of equivocation, ambiguity, as if in a strange language in which words are read backwards. If you find someone who understands you without words and "hears" what you do not say you are the happiest of people. You like silence, listening and contemplation. You hate over-curious conversations and people who question you too much. You seek honesty, but not direct honesty. Those who ask you a question such as "How did you feel when ....," have found the right key for you.
You love discussing topics related to your emotional world, past, family and home, traditions, etc. Also, issues related to food, real estate and history.
Mercury in Leo or the fifth house
In love, you communicate very dramatically. Dramatically does not mean emotionally. You just invest a lot of zeal, passion and inspiration, even when talking about things that just do not concern you personally and have nothing to do with your emotional world. You are attracted by people who speak clearly, people who address you personally (not as one of the crowd), respect your opinion and seek advice. When you meet someone who really makes you laugh and entertains you, this is a sure sign to you that you will have good communication. If the other mumbles, speaks vaguely with too many explanations, you just stop listening. You q1uickly get bored by conversations in which something is repeated endlessly.
You love talking about and discussing topics related to human creativity, personal skills and talents, and life itself - everything about love, children, enjoyment of life, gaming and entertainment, art and creativity.
Mercury in Virgo or the sixth house
In love, you communicate precisely and in a detailed manner, with lots of logic. You like to perform in-depth analyses and venture down to the smallest details in everything. It is especially exciting for you when the other asks for your help in solving a problem. This is your favourite territory - tackling all the elements and finding the most logical solution. You do not like communication in which someone speaks somewhat abstractly, with no questions and no answers. If the other is prone to emotional and sensual conversations in which you cannot find logic or make useful conclusions for yourself, you quickly stop listening and put an end to the conversation. You hate idle chatter.
You love discussing topics related to how to improve life (both yours and that of the other), and how to arrange it in the most appropriate way. Also, topics related to healthy lifestyles, work and responsibilities.
Mercury in Libra or the seventh house
In love, you communicate very diplomatically - calmly, even with finesse. You always look for the most perfect form of communication. You like worldly conversations in which some kind of a dress code in terms of language is respected and in which nothing concrete and specific is said. You hate being faced with specific facts and when you have to give a concrete opinion. When there is an aggressive tone, dispute or conflict, you stop listening and try to get out of this conversation. You are strongly attracted by people who are facing some dilemmas and looking for the fairest solution that satisfies all concerned.
You love discussing topics related to the social life of society, the relationship between people, culture and arts. But gossip also suits you as a topic of conversation.
Mercury in Scorpio or the eighth house
In love, you always communicate with deep suspicion and mistrust. You like solving puzzles and discovering facts. Therefore, you are strongly attracted by people who rarely say everything they think, but leave you the opportunity to find the unsaid on your own. You are not very talkative, especially when facing a person whom you are deeply interested in. You hate idle chatter and too open conversations. But the person who asks you a sharp question will definitely interest you. You like active silence - it is also a form of communication in which there is a quiet struggle.
You love discussing topics related to machinations, large capital, illegal structures and everything that is connected with secret activities and hidden power. Sex, power over others, and manipulation are also in the range of your favourite topics.
Mercury in Sagittarius or the ninth house
In love, you communicate very openly, expansively, with lots of generosity and optimism. You like to talk to people who are broadminded, who dream, seek knowledge and follow their own "religion" and who can ignore trifles, seek ideals and always manage to see the good in everyone. You hate bigotry, pedantry and talks about daily routines. You hate the silence between two people. In general, you have a slight problem with listening and prefer being listened to by the other while you talk about your ideas, plans and dreams. In order for you to listen, the other should say something like a foreign word or phrase or even speak in a foreign language. You like to share your wisdom with others and sink into philosophical conversations.
You love discussing all kinds of philosophical issues - everything about knowledge in the world. And also, you like talks about foreign countries and travels to distant places.
Mercury in Capricorn or the tenth house
In love, you communicate very seriously and soberly. You like to talk to mature people, with no trace of frivolity and superficiality. You like people who are ambitious and focused, people who have planned almost their entire life (it is another thing whether these plans do the job). You hate "intimate" conversations – about romance, feelings and emotions. If the other starts such conversations, you quickly stop listening and look for ways in which to switch to a serious topic. You also avoid communicating with people who could embarrass you with their behaviour. You are attracted by people who show personal social prestige.
You love discussing all topics related to management, hierarchical structures, politics and statesmanship. Also, issues related to the achievement of goals and ambitions, as well as social status.
Mercury in Aquarius or the eleventh house
In love, you communicate strangely. By strangely, I mean that no one can ever accurately determine what you like about communicating with the other specifically. Even you sometimes have difficulties in determining what you have been attracted by. Therefore, you actually only look for strange and unconventional things in your interactions. You like to talk to people who stand out in some way and have done something uncommon and almost always can shock you with a statement. You hate banality in communication and you treat manipulation in an uncompromising manner. You hate being taught and you stop listening and disappear when someone tries to tell you what to do.
You love discussing topics related to technology, innovation, and the future of the world and the progress of mankind as a whole. All events that are considered "out of this planet" are also an interesting subject for conversation.
Mercury in Pisces or the twelfth house
In love, you communicate in a very soft and delicate manner, but extremely vaguely. You like to speak in a way that allows both you and the other to understand what he or she likes and to hear what they want to hear. Romantic and emotional conversations are your favourites. You like mystery, the unspoken and fantasy. You like bringing silence that unleashes the imagination. You hate communicating with people who are too forthright, direct, speak more aggressively or lack the ability to dress things up with beautiful words. When others talk about reality, practicality and the daily round, you just stop listening.
You love discussing topics related to deep emotions, the mysteries of life, esotericism, metaphysics and all that one experiences in their fantasies and things via which people escape from reality. If you have a secret world with the other, about which only the two of you can talk, this is also a particularly favourite subject for you.