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The middle class is the surest remedy against political extremism

24 April 2014 / 20:04:56  GRReporter
10058 reads

has strongly penetrated the Greek police forces. There is evidence that Michaloliakos was a collaborator of the secret service in 1981.
In 2004, "Ta Nea" newspaper published facts on the close relations and cooperation between Golden Dawn and the police authorities, on its members who had been infiltrated among the special forces, simulating the "angry citizens" and taking part in the violent dispersion of non-parliamentary leftist demonstrators. The police was supplying them with batons and walkie-talkie devices; there is evidence of illegal possession of weapons supplied by the right New Democracy party. In the elections in 2012, almost half of the police force in Greece voted for Golden Dawn." In 2013, a "Nazi museum" was discovered at the house of a Greek ship owner, which led to the unravelling of a network of informal relationships. It turned out that Golden Dawn deputies voted in parliament for a law on tax concessions for ship owners, being respectively funded by the water transport tycoons. Aris Papastefanou film "Fascism Inc," incriminates this exchange of political and financial favours between the party and big business. In its pre-parliamentary period (1980-2009), Golden Dawn carried out systematic Nazi propaganda. The lecturer's words were backed up by photos showing party spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris with a tattooed swastika on his arm, members of the movement with their hands raised in the Hitler salute, the cover of the party magazine clearly showing their respect for Hitler and Rudolf Hess as well as symbols of Waffen-SS (the military branch of the SS) such as the Totenkopf ("skull" in German). A photo of Kasidiaris with a member of a British rock band with a neo-Nazi orientation shows how ideology is spread through popular culture. Some of the slides showed corps of Golden Dawn supporting the Serbian rebels in Kosovo. One of the deputies (from Serres) was extreme racist Artemis Matheopoulos, praising Auschwitz methods. He was a member of the political council of the movement. Musician by profession, Matheopoulos was a member of a white power rock band and the following indicative lyrics of his songs were cited, "Fuck Wiesenthal, fuck Anne Frank ...", "Oh, how I love Auschwitz ...", "David's star makes me vomit".

Tags: Golden DawnNationalist and xenophobic partiesPolitical extremism in EuropeProfessor Ricky van Boeschoten
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