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Money, sex and Jupiter run the world

24 September 2011 / 15:09:09  GRReporter
5717 reads


    They say that one of the greatest treasures of the world are children. They are one of the most important issues in our lives people say. And therefore children are among the most discussed issues in astrology. There is no person who is not interested in the possibilities and his ability to reproduce, while in the so-called child-bearing age –the age in which he is able to reproduce, to create offspring.
    I think immediately of the expression that has not emerged by chance, that sex and money run the world, this world of ours here on Earth. We can also add to them power, but it is rather a consequence. Yes, I know that right here there are some people who would wish to argue that there are more important things. But there is a great chance that you don’t understand the essence of this expression or at least you analyze only the surface. It is absolutely true, as much as you do not like it and try to refute it.

    Our human world will literally die in a few years if there is nothing to cause people to reproduce, to ensure the maintenance of the human race. We would have been long gone from face of the earth. Man lives and then comes the day he dies. But our genes have other plans. They have no intention to die. And they direct all their energy to reproduction, to life, they want to live. Each of us carries this genetic imperative - to create an offspring. Not just for ourselves but for all mankind. Right here we come to sex, which function is to provide exactly this to the human world - its existence. That is why it is the first major driving force in the world. Because it keeps it living. Actually this also applies to wildlife, not just to human.

    The second main component - money. This is a collective expression for all those things that a person needs to physically survive - food, shelter. Without them, the survival of humanity is also threatened. So money, material resources are the second necessary "evil" to maintain our existence. They are the second driving force in the world. So as to keep it alive.
    Let there be other important things in life. But without these basic two - sex and money, there simply will be no human race. Literally. And those other, supposedly more important things lose all meaning and purpose. I have nothing against the thesis of divine Love, as well as those of spiritual improvement and development, of disregard for the "inferior" material world. But whoever follows them, he himself is the result of sex, and has been raised and lives due to material resources, i.e. money. He has not lived of photosynthesis. He also eats. The fact that sex and money are the driving force supporting the development of the world is indisputable. Everything else comes after them.

    My topic is really about the children, about fertility and how this is reflected in the individual horoscope. When analyzing a horoscope regarding whether and when a person will have children, priority will have the fifth house and the planet Jupiter. Those who have read my previous articles, will probably remember that I identified the planet Jupiter as important in relation to the subject of material resources, to the subject of the social and public position. Now I mention it in connection with children. Jupiter is the planet whose symbolism is associated in general with our opportunities in life and especially in the analysis of our material condition.
    Jupiter is important in terms of our affiliation to a social class. It is concerned with how we adjust and adapt to family, social and professional groups and to society as a whole. And also with the opportunities we receive in life. Jupiter is the main factor, the so-called natural manager and "cause" of children.
Did you find the three similarities with the words that money and sex (plus power) run the world?

    In fact, Jupiter is the planet of constructiveness. It indicates the human ability to create. And the material status, social status and the presence of offspring, are directly related to it. But in order not to lurch to extremes, I would like to mention that Jupiter indicates possibilities. And it always needs to have the support of Saturn to implement them. Practically in Astrology the "intimate" partner of Jupiter is Saturn. And when Jupiter is "well-disposed" towards someone to bless him with children, in no case should we disregard the "mood" of Saturn. Forgetting Saturn leads to wrong conclusions.
    Often many of the fans of astrology, who study with interest and zeal their horoscope and the horoscope of close friends, discover an upcoming passing of Jupiter through the 5th house and get their expectations high for this passing to be associated with childbirth. Yes, but in fact no. Nothing like that. And as a consequence comes the disappointment from astrology. The problem in fact is not in astrology. And the fact that Jupiter has always needed the support of Saturn, in order to give a result.

Tags: sex children fertility Jupiter Saturn fifth house personal horoscope Galy astroschool
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