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Multiculturalism and Other Tales

31 July 2014 / 10:07:48  GRReporter
3997 reads

The Western world and, mostly, the American policy made huge and unforgivable mistakes as regards fanatic Islam. Initially, they armed and trained them to counterbalance the former Soviet influence. So stupid! So short-sighted! Even now they continue to supply them with weapons to seemingly establish democracy in a region of the world where it had never been known and no one knows how to handle it, at a time when Sharia is imposed there and everyone dreams of a theocratic Caliphate!  And finally, they maintain the best of relationships with the hateful bastion of medieval Islam – Saudi Arabia that finances most of the Jihadists.

Furthermore, they did the unthinkable: they were granted a favourable environment in the heart of Europe in order to grow all the flowers of hate that are getting ready to attack the hospitable family.

This voluntary short-sightedness of the West should be stopped as soon as possible! On the battlefields of fanatics good manners are out of place, unlike armies. No matter whose armies these are, whether the UN’s or NATO’s, they should be vanquished and disarmed. If this does not happen now, while things are still under some control, it will happen when the Jihadists are strong enough to impose the conditions of the clash.

And in the heart of Europe, though late, some things should be clearly stated:

You want to live with us? You should not merely respect our values but also adopt them. You should forget about flogging a homosexual just because you are afraid to be caught, but because you agree that everyone decides for himself what to do with his body and no one can interfere. You should realize that we do not limit satire, even when its subject is our God. Therefore, we can do the same unto your God.  You will watch The Life of Brian and picture it in its Muslim version. If you think is great, you can stay.  If you get angry over defamation, sorry, you do not belong to Europe. No, we are in no way obligated to respect your archaic ‘values’. We would have had to do so if we were living in your native country. But it is you who comes here. We are not saying we are better or worse, because there is no estranged observer to decide the matter. But we are different. Here, we live like this regardless of your likes or dislikes. If you do not like it here, there is always the return ticket potion. If you insist on not buying one, there is also extradition. And while on the plane, on your way to the sacred land of Allah, while you read the programme of public events in your favourite country (hanging, beheading, cutting of limbs, flogging…) you will have time enough to consider the multiculturalism on the central Riyadh boulevard: young couples kissing in the mouth, and girls wearing short skirts and tank tops with no bra just like the ones in Paris, Rome, Athens.

You wouldn’t accept that ever, would you? Neither will we accept you.

Тranslation: Anastasia Balezdrova

Anastasia Balezdrova
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