Today, talking about morality in terms of sexuality may sound somewhat out of place. But morality always exists. Morality itself is a term used to express a specific set of rules of behaviour. Even if we live in a time of sexual freedom, individuals have their own personal morals and standards which they follow. Sexual freedom is actually the freedom to follow your own personal rules and internal sexual "laws".
Today's article is about what our personal sexual morality is – rules and internal "laws" that we follow in our sexual behaviour. And it is not just about whether people are polygamous or monogamous and what type of sexuality they express. In both cases, sexual morality is a matter of personal beliefs and principles, as well as a personal philosophy. Just like establishing standards of behaviour when we are in public, at work, home or the beach, similarly, we establish norms for the bedroom - "What to do or not to do in our sexual relationships." It is known that with time all norms are subject to reassessment. But their basic framework is formed during the first seven years of our lives and almost never changes radically.
In astrology, the eighth house of the horoscope is associated with sex. It is a starting point when analysing sexual life as a whole in all its dimensions. The ninth house in the horoscope, as a principle, is related to our worldview and philosophical positions that we have in life, as well as with our education, in a purely worldly aspect, which helps us build our ideas and beliefs. The ninth house outlines all our internal laws according to which we live in the world. This is the house of ideology, but also the house of dogma, faith and fanaticism.
If we count the ninth house starting from the eighth one, we will reach the fourth original house in the horoscope. Thus, in order to understand what our sexual philosophy is, what our personal morality is and what internal laws we follow in our sexual relationships, we need to see the state of the fourth house - the sign it falls in, the planet that rules it; what other planets are present in it.
The fourth house in the horoscope describes our most private space. Symbolically, this is the "night" in our lives when we are at home - our most intimate place. This is our hidden "universe"; therefore, this is why we say - "My sex life is none of your business – only I can determine what happens there."
The fourth house, as a primary meaning, is also associated with our family environment, parents and especially our mother. It is therefore clear how strong the relationship of our sexual morality is with our family and the upbringing we get mostly from our mother. The state of the fourth house also determines our dogmas in terms of sex and fanatical beliefs.
I will now write what information the fourth house provides in terms of our personal sexual code and morality and what our personal "Ten Commandments in terms of sex" are. The presence of planets in this house always gives further details, as well as the planet that rules it. How these details affect the final conclusions should be defined by an astrologer. I will give you the basic information according to the zodiac sign.
Ascendant in Aries
The fourth house falls in Cancer and is ruled by the Moon. You have built a strong conviction that traditions should be respected. But there is one very important clarification: traditions change with time and society, and you quickly come up with new trends in sexual morals. This makes your philosophy rapidly changing in terms of what you can allow yourself. For you, it is often enough just to hear that "This has become quite normal." Therefore, you don’t have a firmly established order in your sexual habits, since you quickly and easily perceive what is becoming the norm and considered a natural feature of the social group in which you live.
Ascendant in Taurus
The fourth house falls in Leo and is ruled by the Sun. You have firmly fixed views on what your personal sexual morality should be. And not just your own: you also have firmly fixed views on what the sexual morality of the people you have relationships with should be, too. You tend to put an end to relationships if the other does not share your views or changes them with time. This makes you very consistent in your behaviour and you stick to your primary established principles and keep them forever. There are no dilemmas or deviations for you. Your sexual morality has no unusual "extras" and you possess the deepest and most sublime human values in terms of sexuality. You would rarely allow sexual relations with unusual elements that go beyond the norm.
Ascendant in Gemini
The fourth house falls in Virgo and is ruled by Mercury. You are some of the greatest ascetics and Puritans in sexual terms. Your sex morality often consists of a single postulate: "Let’s perpetuate our kind and fulfil our marital obligations as we should, but only if the partner really wants it." If you happen to have a partner who is curious about new things and experiments, you are able to let him or her go free and experiment with other people in order to be happy and satisfied. Your views and philosophy in terms of sexual infidelity are very liberal since you believe that if your partner wants something you do not like, it is not right to stop him or her finding it outside the relationship. However, in terms of everything else you are deep Puritans and stick to purity in all its dimensions.
Ascendant in Cancer
The fourth house falls in Libra and is ruled by Venus. You possess some of the most harmonious and balanced views in terms of sexuality. Although you are open to experimentation and innovation, as well as adapting to the style of your partners in order to achieve a balance between yourself and him or her, you hate commonplaceness, harshness and aggression in sexual life. In this regard, you are absolutely rigid and strictly follow the principle that everything must have beauty, aesthetics and balance. Your sexual morality is built around the notion and philosophy that only what corresponds to the perception of beauty and aesthetics is permissible.
Ascendant in Leo
The fourth house falls in Scorpio and is ruled by Mars. The principle "What I do is my business only" applies to you best. You are not affected by common things – you seem to perceive them with an attitude not to do them. You adore violating prohibitions and your sex morality is expressed as follows: "Tell me what is forbidden so that I can violate it." Even if everything is allowed, you will violate it, too – you will establish a system in which you can put bans. In other words, you are capable of all extremes. You do not comply with the other and it is absolutely impossible for you to be diverted from your own views and beliefs regarding your sex life. The good thing is that you do not try to impose your views on others. Very often, almost no one knows exactly what your personal sexual norms and laws are.
Ascendant in Virgo
The fourth house falls in Sagittarius and is ruled by Jupiter. Your sexual morality is close to the pure religion and faith of the community in which you live. You always have a strong commitment to the religious and family traditions with which you grew up. You strictly obey orthodox principles imposed by society and you support decency. You strive not to deviate from propriety because you care "what people will say," even if this is your partner. You easily adapt to the other’s wishes, but on your part you rarely make "obscene suggestions." You don’t have very strict principles regarding what is allowed, it is enough when it seems decent for the public eye.
Ascendant in Libra
The fourth house falls in Capricorn and is ruled by Saturn. For you, sexual morality is often very closely related to the goals that you have set in terms of your specific partner. You allow everything, but you want to have clear conditions. You often enter into negotiations in order to agree on a common sexual framework - "As long as we're together, we agree to abide by this and this. Outside it, everyone is free to do whatever they want." You seek and give the greatest freedom in terms of sexual relations, and therefore you want to establish all the pre-conditions in order to avoid unpleasant conflicts. The only thing you set great store by and it is always present in your views and philosophy, is that you should never lose honour and dignity.
Ascendant in Scorpio
The fourth house falls in Aquarius and is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Your sexual morality is the most eccentric of all, containing mostly shocking elements and rejecting all traditions. "Say no to traditions!" Just as the human imagination has no limits, similarly, your ideas have no borders either. "Everything is possible" - this is the basic principle in the philosophy of your sexuality. Of course, you do not do everything that you think is possible, since you often experience it only mentally and platonically. Much of the sexual experiments that you are interested in are only options in terms of style, "Who knows, I may need to use this one day." And it is paradoxical that you rarely reach the point at which you repeat the craziest things you have ever done.
Ascendant in Sagittarius
The fourth house falls in Pisces and is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Your sexual morality, as a category in life, is often blurred. "Life has so many rules and conventions - do I need to follow them in this most personal intimate place, too?" Your views are very idealistic and include everything that could make you a perfect sex partner. And your sexual philosophy is based on being someone who fits the sexual morality of the other instead of building your own one. Therefore, when it comes to sexual behaviour, sexual norms and internal laws, everything applies to you - from Puritan to liberal, from monogamy to polygamy, from the Victorian tradition to any deviations: it largely depends on the partner.
Ascendant in Capricorn
The fourth house falls in Aries and is ruled by Mars. Your sexual morality resembles the traditional philosophy for your gender - "Everyone should know his or her place." If you are a man, then you are allowed more things than a woman. If you are a woman – it’s the same, no matter that people put you in stricter frames than men. Your views are very primary and fully in line with the purest traditions regarding sexual relations: the man leads, the woman follows. Man’s desires must be obeyed and if the woman does not want to do so, he should seek another partner. The man should be forgiven brief affairs, but the woman is not allowed to have any. For both sexes, however, there should be a sense of uniqueness compared to everybody else that the other has had relationships with.
Ascendant in Aquarius
The fourth house falls in Taurus and is ruled by Venus. Your sexual morality is very strictly defined by the ultimate benefit and how your senses will be satisfied. You are closest to the moral habits of the time of our ancestors. For you, sex is satisfying and relaxing for the body. You do not refuse trying new things and bringing diversity. Your views and philosophy tend to rely on what has been proven over time as the most stable and you would rarely bother to break away from it because of something uncertain and unknown. You prefer to follow traditional moral frameworks that guarantee security, stability and especially physical comfort.
Ascendant in Pisces
The fourth house falls in Gemini and is ruled by Mercury. Your sexual morals, beliefs and philosophy are based primarily on the diversity and contrasts, which the other can offer. They are not sustained and there are almost always two options available. However, you do not want to choose between them, but prefer having them both. You are constantly in search of the instantaneous ideal, which combines two extremes. The person with whom you enter into a sexual relationship has a greater value than the physical experience you are going through. You have an incredible ability to live simultaneously in two dimensions with a completely different moral structure. Sometimes, there is a duality that requires you to have two partners simultaneously or to be part of a quadrangle.