In this article I will inform you what the "climate" features are for the period May 1st to 15th and for which people will be of any importance. The climate affects people in different ways. Note that in your personal horoscope there are planets in the areas which I will mention. In the gallery of the article there is a table attached with the keywords, because the planets are related to different areas of life.
I will write at the top which areas in the zodiac are affected in the first half of May. And also the dates that the Sun is approximately in those areas and therefore affects people born on these dates regardless of the year. For the rest of the planets it is necessary to check your personal horoscope.
14 ° - 20 ° Aries (people born between 3rd and 10th of April)
24 ° Taurus - 0 ° Gemini (people born between 15th and 21st of May)
4 ° - 10 ° Gemini (people born between 26th and 31st of May)
8 ° - 14 ° Cancer (people born between 30th of June and 6th of July)
14 ° - 20 ° Cancer (people born between 6th and 12th of July)
26 ° Cancer - 2 ° Leo (people born between 19th and 25th of July)
24 ° Scorpio - 0 ° Sagittarius (people born between 16th and 22nd of November)
26 ° Capricorn - 2 ° Aquarius (people born between 16th and 22nd of January)
16 ° - 22 ° Pisces (people born between 7th and 13th of March)
Look in the table which planet this is about and connect the key words for it with what I wrote.
In the past month the subject of the distinct individualism was very live, who should be the first - both on an individual and public level. Combined with Mercury retrograde, I suppose that almost everyone experienced some illogical combination of words and actions around him. In my last few articles on the astrological climate, I gave information about it - everyone tends to hear only himself and his own thoughts, to follow his own internal impulses with no regard to the consequences. During this period, the likelihood of following mostly our own impulses, of being more determined to compete with each other rather than to cooperation, who should be the first, "pay attention to me", was quite large.
After May 8th this topic falls seriously into the background. If in the last month have made some promises, you have initiated something new, after 8th of May comes the "verification". It may turn to be a painful disappointment for some people when they feel that they are unable to fulfill commitments and to continue what they started, that this causes them serious discomfort. The days of retrograde Mercury ended and as I mentioned, the realism that some ideas are not applicable in practice, will come to the surface sooner or later.
Between 10th and 15th of May for everybody the subject of "Let’s talk and say everything we think" will be very up to date. These days you may hear everything – from something genius to something crazy. Listen. Just listen. These are the days when what we hear from someone is what he really thinks. These are his ideas, concepts, his point of view. Very often it is a problem for us, that we do not know what others think. Or that we can not express what we think ourselves. In these days this all will be possible - to express freely our own thoughts. This applies both for ourselves and for the others. Who wants to "hear" should listen. Then evaluate and label what you heard.
On 3 May there will be a new moon at 12 ° Taurus. It is an often encountered statement that this is the point at which one must wish for different things. As the saying goes "To ask the stars." It is true that sometimes wishes really come true. But only when they are synchronized with the other factors. More frequent is the situation when it has no significant effect unless it is synchronized with the dynamics of the individual horoscope.
Since the meaning of the new moon for every man is strictly bound to his individual horoscope, then I will give here only the basic symbolism of the new moon in May. And it is: "You do not look at the teeth of a horse which is a gift". In other words, if any opportunity is knocking at your door, do not pass it by just because it came too easily and with no effort.
The period 1st – 15th of May for people who have a planet in the area:
14 ° - 20 ° Aries,
is a time, when you may have to face various challenges. You have in yourself the ability to shock people (according to the functions of the affected planet). Thus, you shake them, because you have decided that someone around you has to improve something in himself. The likelihood, however, that you act inadequate is very serious and this can lead you to some destabilization.