The world economic crisis does not affect the mobile telephony in Greece. Again this year the Greeks improved all their records in using cell phones during the holidays. Cosmote announced that in the period December 24, 2008 – January 1, 2009 its subscribers made 497 million phone calls, which is a 27% increase from the previous year. The text messages sent by the clients of the company exceed 128 million which is a 47.4% increase in comparison to last year.
For the period December 24, 2008 – December 31, 2008 the other cell phone operator Vodafone reports 70 million text messages sent among their clients – 1 million more than in the previous year. Only on January 1, 2009 the clients of the company spent 45 million minutes in telephone conversations. Only during the first hour of the New Year 5.7 million conversations were made.
An increase in the consumption also registered the third mobile operator in Greece WIND, which for the period between December 24, 2008 – January 1, 2009 registered over 96,32 million text messages showing 18% increase from the last year. Only on Christmas the subscribers of the company exchanged 11.53 million text messages, which is 110% more than last the previous year.