The condition of “Evangelismos” hospital, where Konstantina Kouneva is recovering is alarming. For the last three months there are 19 death cases in the ER, which were caused by severely contagious illnesses. The Greek association for emergent therapy provided data, according to which in the last 2-3 months, 140 patients have been admitted in nine ER wards of the hospital.
All together there have been 87 cases of infection and 19 cases with a fatal end. In one of the two ERs of the hospital the dead-rate, who were infected is 32% and in the other the infection cases are 116% because there are cases when one patient is infected with more than one type of microbes.
The commission of contagious diseases in the hospital has concluded with lab analysis that in most cases the microbes are very resistant. “Eleftheros Tipos” newspaper informs that according to employees of the hospital, the main reason for the infectious explosion is the lack of medical personnel. This fact makes it almost impossible to take prevention measures.
According to the emergent therapy association, a doctor in Evangelismos hospital has to look after four severely ill patients in one shift. The employees of the hospital isolate the patients, who are affected by resistant microbes, in order to prevent contamination.
Employees from the Ministry of Health announced that they well research the case and will find a solution as soon as possible. The Ministry has already developed a four year plan for a fight against the microbes and the infections in the health centers. The goal is for the resistance of microbes to decrease with 50% until 2012.