“Vima” newspaper announced that within the last 24 hours, a true police-diplomatic thriller took place in Athens. A 46 year old Iraqi citizen tried to enter Greece illegally and the police arrested him. This man is sought after by the US authorities because he participated in series of blood attacks against US military sites in Baghdad. He was arrested in February and is believed to be a very dangerous terrorist. Right now he is in the chief police Department for foreigners on “Petros Ralis” boulevard and except for the ministries of internal and foreign affairs, the case is also handled by the anti-terrorist services.
When he was arrested the Iraqi citizen was claiming he is from Palestine and he was born in 1972. The US and Iraqi embassies in Athens proved that this information was fake. The arrested is 46 year old Iraqi, and he is sought after by the US and Iraqi authorities for terrorist attacks against US military bases in Baghdad and in other cities. He is a leader of a terrorist group, which organized many blood bath attacks and also which worked in cooperation with the Iraqi Al Qaida leader Abu Hamza al-Muhajir and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. During the last few months the arrested was under constant supervision by foreign agents in and outside Iraq.
Source from the Ministry of Internal Affairs defined the case for “Vima” newspaper as very serious. Before deporting him back to Iraq, Greece has asked for information, which will prove the connection of the Iraqi with terrorist organizations and attacks. The anti-terrorist services have already started investigating his connections in Greece and in neighboring countries, through which he had passed before arriving in Athens.