Most likely Cleopatra was African and not Greek. This is claimed in a British documentary, which will be released on Greek TV by the end of this month. Until now, we knew that the roots of the former Egyptian ruler were Greek but according to some scientists, the remains of her sister reveal that she was African.
Cleopatra is famous only for being Cleopatra because she was never a sole ruler of Egypt. She was sharing the rule of the country with her father, brother, and son. BBC’s documentary is named: “Cleopatra: A Portrait of a Murderer” and it will air on March 23rd on BBC1. Ti will present an analysis of the remains, which were found in a tomb around Ephesus in today’s Turkey.
After using the digital face reproduction method and making an anthropologic analysis, the experts reach the conclusion that the skeleton, which they found is that of Cleopatra’s sister – Arsinoe, who was killed by Mark Antony at the order of her sister – the ruler. The archeologists from the research team claim that Arsinoe’s mother was African, which leads to re-examining the theory of Cleopatra’s family and her behavior towards her sister.
The documentary presents scenes from Cleopatra’s life – her marriage with Cesar, the murder of her brother Ptolemy and the conspiracy with Mark Antony. Narrator of the film is the archeologist Neal Oliver, who says: “Cleopatra, Julius Cesar, and Mark Antony … all idols in history. It is almost impossible to perceive them as real people and not as half mythical figures, who were enacted by Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.”
Based on the newly found information by archeologists, the film “Cleopatra: Portrait of a Murderer” is a story about rivalry, greed, incest, murder and power, which destroy one empire. This is the unbelievable true story about one of the biggest legends in the history of mankind.