“Sick” is the building, where people always use electric appliances and smoke and it is not built with the necessary materials, which do not retain the harmful particles in the rooms. How can we apply the bioclimatic architecture principals, in order to contribute to the protection of the environment and our health? Marina Nikolova tried to find answers to those questions and more at “Eco week 2009” in Athens and in a conversation with architect Eri Poulyanaki.
The basic principal of bioclimatic architecture
The principal of the bioclimatic architecture has been known ever since ancient times. According to the Hellenes, a building in Greece should be facing south-north. The idea is to have a big window on the south side and the north side to be protected. The building as a whole should be cone-shaped. The thin part of the cone should be on the north side, because the north winds will slide upwards on it.
During the different seasons, this construction helps for the cooling or warming of the internal part of the building. During summer, when the sun is high in the sky its rays enter through the south. This way, the rays are twice less than if the building was facing east or west. During this season the building airs out late in the afternoon and in the morning shutters can be closed in order to keep the coolness.
During winter, a building, which faces south, gathers 2/3 sunrays more than a building, which faces east or west. The rays enter deep into the rooms and warm it up. The idea of the bioclimatic architecture is to keep the warmth or coolness of the rooms. This is why an external thermo-insulation should be done, because the material from which it is done prevents warmth from coming in during summer and getting out in winter.
One the interesting topics, which was developed during “Eco week 2009” in Athens was about the bioclimatic architecture. The different presentations and seminars gave original ideas about the ecological construction. “Eco week” is a very useful initiative for spreading the principals of the bioclimatic architecture, because you can see interesting presentations, seminars, and films. We saw original constructions, like the one of the Japanese Shigeru Ban, which was made out of paper. His lecture attended more than 400 young students and architects.
Eco week 2009
The goal of “Eco week” is to inform people of how to live in an ecological way by recycling, making fertilizers from leftovers and saving energy. The idea is to attract as many people as possible and to inform them of the climate changes and what they can do to slower them.
The Eco-week initiative first started in 2005 on Egina Island and by now it has organized congresses not only in Greece but also in Cyprus and abroad. This year the congress was called “Engaging the youth: Ecology+Leadership+Architecture.”
Two leaders in the eco-building – Ivan Harbour and Shigeru Ban delivered lectures respectively on the industrial design and the use of materials like bamboo and paper in constructing buildings.
Shigeru Ban is famous for “Curtain Wall House” in Tokyo, with the small houses close to the Great Wall of China in Beijing, and with the Japanese pavilion at the EXPO 2000 in Hanover.
Ivan Harbour is the architect of Madrid airport and the chief designer of prestigious architectural projects in New York, Washington and Europe.
In a workshop called Future Cities Lab, Natallie Gatenio and Jason Kelly Johnson (classmates from the University of Michigan) developed the idea of the energy farms.
The sick building syndrome
In connection to Eco Week 2009 in Athens, where there were presentations, films, and seminars, I spoke with architect Eri Poulyanaki about the advantages of bioclimatic architecture. Eri Poulyanaki explains that the eco-architectural principals cannot be applied on all already built buildings.
For example, the buildings in Athens cannot be reconstructed in a way to save energy, because they are very close to each other and this does not let sunrays in and it makes the application of these architectural principals pointless. But bioclimatic architecture can be practiced during the planning and construction of buildings outside the cities.
“Today we use insulation materials, which are plastic and do not allow the toxic particles in the air and the humidity in the buildings to leave. Airing out buildings is not enough, because the stale air is very harmful and it causes the incorrect function of the respiratory system, skin diseases, headaches, and cancer. If we add to all this, the fact that Western people spend 80% of their free time inside, we can understand that his affects all of us,” shares Eri Poulyanaki.
Eri Poulyanaki is an architect and works with bioclimatic architecture. She has worked with the association of architects, who share the ecological construction “Anelixi” ideas and right now she has her own architect firm, which develops projects on Crete.
She says that “according to a research done by the Athenian University on 2000 randomly chosen buildings – private homes and offices, shows that in 70% of them there is at least one type of a pollutant. Some of the main forms of pollutants are the use of electric appliances and smoking but also the construction materials themselves.
Bioclimatic architecture aims to adjust buildings to the different climate conditions and to the environment. The goal is to save energy by securing thermal and optical comfort for citizens. When we speak of optical comfort we mean covering the needs of light in a room by using sunrays. Thermal comfort is the need of a person to have a constant temperature in the house, which is about 18⁰C-20⁰C.”
“The bioclimatic architecture is the one, which respects and uses what is given by nature. It is nothing more than the right architecture,” says Mrs. Poulyanaki.
The biggest percentage of construction materials, which are used in the developed countries are products of the “heavy” industry made out of petrol. “The construction business is at guilt for 50% of noxious gas emissions and causing the Greenhouse effect,” adds the architect.
The list of ecologically clean materials and the way to choose them, which Mrs. Poulyanaki prepared, is useful and easy to remember:
The ecologically clean materials for thermo-insulating ensure high air quality in the inside of a building. They are harmless for our health and environment. Such materials are: 1. Earth materials: bricks, stone, ceramics, clay. 2. Plant and animal materials: wood, cork, plant glues and varnishes.
What a consumer needs to know when choosing materials for thermo-insulation is where the natural materials are produced – whether they are harmful for the health and whether they can be recycled.
Benefits of bioclimatic planning
There three benefits: for the environment - decreasing the pollution and limiting the Greenhouse effect; economic - lowering fuel, heating, cooling and lighting consumption; and social – improving the quality of life. In general saving energy can reach 50-70% if bioclimatic planning is applied on new buildings.
Films screened on “Eco week 2009”:
- “An inconvenient truth” (97’) – main actor is the Nobel prize winner Al Gore, who speaks of the temperature increase on Earth and of climate changes. Director: Davis Guggenheim
- “11th hour” (92’) – Documentary with Leonardo di Caprio, who is also the narrator of the film, in which 50 scientists and experts tell their opinion on the environmental topic.
- “Last call for planet Earth” (70’) – Documentary by Jack Alard with 12 architects from all over the world, who speak about a more ecological construction.
- “Element” (each element 5’) – short films about some exceptional young people, who deal with the challenges of climate changes. Distributed by MTV.
- “Next Industrial Revolution” (55’) – Film by Shelly Morheim with architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Browngard about ecological building and the theary “cradle-to-cradle.”
- “Village studio” (60’) – Samuel Mocbee’s dream about bringing back to life one village community.
- “Our kilowatts” (56’) – Jeff Burnie seeks about the energy we spend. How can we lower our consumption and how to choose energy resources.
- “The power of society” (53’) 0 Fate Morgan’s film, which talks about how biological culture has helped Cuba recover after the petrol crisis during the 90’s.
- “History of things” (20’) – Annie Leonard explains the cycle of destroying natural resources, production, consumption and trash.