Champion of Greece for the second consecutive time became the volleyball team of Olympiakos. The white-red team won by 3-1 against the team of Panathinaikos in the fourth game from the finals of the A1, which was played on the Melina Mercouri field in Randy. The victory of Olympiacos was accompanied by the disappointment of the greens. Not only because of the loss but also by the bitter taste of the ugly events from the previous day. Shortly before the start of the match a huge wave of crazy fans rushed into the hall. The police proved to be unprepared and powerless to control the situation. The ugly scenes started around the hall even before the game begins. In the hall near the locker rooms again, "fans" lit up a fire. Although the fire department managed to extinguish the flames the place burned. The game was postponed by decision of the commander of the police. Coach of the greens Stelios Kazazis expressed his indignation before the media and commented on what happened as a testament to the culture of people. He also informed that the Olympiakos fans have invaded the dressing rooms of the volleyball players of Panathinaikos and have spited at them. He announces also about people who were hiding in their personal bags items that they were about to use for different purposes on the field. The coach said that he feels ashamed not for the sport, but rather for how far the country has come.
So, today started the match with very strong play on the part of the hosts. The team of Panathinaikos did not have its usual presence on the field. Tonight it hardly acted as an opponent. But this is an understandable consequence of the problems which the greens were struggling with throughout the whole year. Nothing else but the numerous traumas and their attendance prevented them from having better results. Tonight definitely they lacked their strength... However, the hosts were in great shape. They had a very good defense and a strong serve from which they accumulated points. Furthermore, they took care to complete each phase successfully.
From the very beginning the white-red team began with a strong game on the field. With great passing of the ball ball and thought through attack they showed that they are in very good mental and physical shape. They also had a very strong block, which in order to be able to break the greens made many mistakes. The play of the guests reminded in no way of their play in the previous games. A bad day had even the player Agamez. On the part of the red-white team particularly well played Milkovich and Djuric. The first set ended with a 25-20 in favor of Olympiakos.
During the second set game continued in the same spirit for the hosts. Very good distribution of the passing of the ball did the German Tiser. He participated also in a strong block, which in combination with the serving of the player Djuric acted as dynamite on the field. The hosts were accumulating advantage again ... Unlike Tiser Zagumni tonight showed far, of what he is capable of. The Pole failed to give necessary assistance to the team.
Unfortunately in this match as well there were some unpleasant moments. The game was interrupted because of severe quarrel between Iliyas Lapas and Hadziandoniu and a bottle which flew on the field. The game was interrupted for 10 minutes ... The set finished with a score of 25-18 in favor of the hosts.
During the third set the play of the greens changed drastically. They strengthened their blocks and thus they limited the attacks of the hosts. They also strengthened their service, thanks to which they managed to gain points and even lead in the score. Not long after the hosts evened the score. The desire of the greens to play, however, did not stop here. They again took the lead and won the set by 25-22.
The fourth set started also with a strong game on the part of the greens. A significant number of points brought them the player Smaragdis. This was also the set, when Agamez finally found his rhythm. This happy situation, however did not last long. Thanks to the strong servings of Djuric Olympiakos took the lead again in the result. The set ended with a score of 25-17 and the title Champion of the country for Olympiakos.