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Only a miracle can save the former royal estate in Tatoi

23 March 2014 / 16:03:19  GRReporter
4516 reads

In 2008, the then political leadership of the Ministry of Culture promised that a management organization would be established for the former royal estate in Tatoi, as well as that it would be open to public in five years. Six years later, some steps have been taken, but no miracles have been achieved. One of the biggest projects in Attica, which should become a tourist site, suffers from a lack of understanding between responsible institutions.

At a time when other major projects are being implemented or completed, such as the Acropolis Palace, the Garden of Wonders in Plaka, the Picture Gallery, the National Museum of Contemporary Art and the School of Aristotle, Tatoi cannot cope with state aid only.

The former royal estate also needs private help. What private initiative offers can be seen in Athens. For example, the advanced project of "Stavros Niarchos" instead of the old racecourse, as well as the Onassis Foundation aid in the restoration of Panepistimiou Street.

With the help of the ESPA programme, the Ministry of Culture has resorted to the conservation of 3,500 subjects (1,194,000 euro has been allocated) which are being kept in the vaults of the first museum in the country - the Art Gallery. Even in a time of crisis, it allocated about 100,000 euro in 2013 for rescue works on buildings, as well as another 30,000 euro for the same recently.

The former palace is empty, but in poor condition. The association “Friends of Tatoi” received the green light from the Ministry in order to carry out a research plan. But its chairman Vassilis Koutsavlis is worrying that the Ministry of culture and the Development Ministry should be summoned to an immediate meeting with the prefecture of Attica, in order to seek ways of funding. He relies on the joint participation of the state and the private sector for the restoration and opening of the buildings.

The Commission for Monuments in Attica has approved studies for the buildings of the forester and the gardener. Measures should be taken for the garage, building of servants, oil mill, winery, dairy and many more.

Examinations of other buildings have already begun. The preparation of the historic building Stourm is proceding well. The association “Friends of Tatoi” has sent invitations for the presentation of a financial offer for the iconic Tatoion Hotel. Clearly, many things have changed in the attitude of society towards the former royal estate. Ideological prejudices have been overcome, the first steps have been made and many people have been involved in the tours and the company (it has 200 regular members and 3,000 friends).

An organization should be established for the management of the property and coordination of activities, as well as for seeking funding. The Ministry of Culture has paid something; the Ministry of Development is also expected to do so – it is the major participant in Tatoi, but it has not paid anything since 2012, despite its promises.

According to the Ministry of Culture, a management plan must be approved which is to unite responsible ministries and individuals.

Recently, Europa and the Greek Organization for Environment and Culture, offered to recover the property. However, interested parties should reach an agreement. If the property is restored, for example by means of turning the former palace into a museum, this will help other buildings of the property, too. 

Tags: royal mansion Tatoi restoration Ministry of Culture
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