Since time immemorial, in all religions and traditions known to date, the sun has been worshipped. Man has always realized that without the sun, there would never be life on Earth. When talking about astrology, the main thing everybody knows is which is their "star sign" and that it draws conclusions about people's character. However, there is something that remains out of the way, but which is very important. It is that the Sun in the horoscope is our personal energy hub. It shows what type of life energy we have, how much is available and most importantly: how we draw it, from where we obtain it. We rarely think about the location of our "filling station" from which we load the tank.
The Sun in the horoscope sets the specific type of energy depending on the star sign in which it falls. The twelve signs represent different types of energy that are needed here on Earth in order for life to evolve. Therefore, there is no "bad" or "good" sign. There is a place for everyone under the sun - a cliché that is so true that we have even stopped understanding it.
In today's article I will discuss exactly this issue - what energy we bear, what our fuel is and how we load it. Whether we are on "diesel", "petrol", "gas", "methane", "nuclear fuel", "power plant". How we get it - which spheres of life and therefore which people help us do this. It is absurd, but almost always there are things and people who annoy us terribly and we try to get away from them all the time.
The Sun in the horoscope stands not only in one of the twelve zodiac signs. It is located in one of the twelve houses and rules a specific one - the house in which the sign Leo falls. According to astrological rules, the Sun is the ruler of this sign and therefore the house falling into it is especially important. Depending on which of the 12 houses the sign Leo falls in, different areas of life and people in our lives are defined. It is precisely they who represent our energy source, our source of life energy.
I will explain to the more curious with an example. In the descriptions that follow below I will give these positions for each sign. So even if the example is not clear enough for you, just read what is said about the sign of your ascendant, if you know it, as well as about your star sign.
I am giving an example of a horoscope with Ascendant Aries and Capricorn. Look at the picture. In horoscope (1) the Ascendant is Aries and the sign Leo covers the 5th house. In horoscope (2) the Ascendant is Capricorn and the sign Leo covers the 8th house. What the 5th and the 8th symbolize in these two specific cases respectively, is the main source of vital energy, vital energy is drawn from it, it charges us with energy.
Moreover, it is also important in which house, counted from the Sun, falls in the sign Leo. On the picture, in both cases it falls within the third house, as in both sample horoscopes the Sun is in the sign Gemini. Now information for each sign follows. If any of the things and people described are those who you like the least, don't be surprised - the flow of vital energy always requires making some efforts.
Ascendant or Sun in the sign Aries
Your 5th house falls in the sign Leo. Hence a very important characteristic of yours - to distinguish yourself with a powerful and impetuous impulse. For you it is typical that everything you create and which is the result of your personal talents - manual and intellectual, is a potent source of vital energy. Games, sports competitions, having fun in life, also load you strongly and you literally feel like a newborn in such activities. And children are the peak moment in your life. They are your greatest creation and as such they are your main source of energy among the people around you. Although there is usually a limited ability of reproduction and you rarely have more than one child, even when only one, your child is enough to recharge your batteries whenever you are around him or her, even if the occasions are not the most enjoyable - for example, if you have a problem child. Other people who load you most strongly are your friends' spouses.
Ascendant or Sun in the sign Taurus
Your 4th house falls in the sign Leo. This makes you such great "materialists" with a huge appetite for real property. Ignore all those who reproach you, that you love the most your house, home, that you fight for every inch of land. Land, immovable property and owned vehicles are the things from which you draw your life power and energy. They are your deepest tank. If you are cut off from contact with living nature, with earth, you became weak very quickly. You charge and revive most strongly at home, when you do various things to maintain your house. Try to create your own home, do not let yourselves live paying rent for a long time or under someone else's roof. From the people around, you mother is the most important energy source for you. So you are very attached to her even if this creates big problems for you sometimes. The other people who most strongly load you are paternal cousins and the father of your spouse.
Ascendant or Sun in the sign Gemini