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Our old friend Jupiter responsible for the chances that life gives us

22 October 2011 / 15:10:19  GRReporter
5860 reads


    The word “chance” is one of the most beloved words to people. Everyone is looking for their chance in life. Their chance to succeed. The chance as just a good coincidence. To be at the right place in the right time.

    In this article I will focus on the issue about chances in our lives. Do we manage to capture them, how can we recognize them. We all want to succeed at something. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Why do you want to succeed? Have you ever asked yourselves this question? I'll give you one possible answer. Success is in direct relation to our own self awareness in terms of significance. For the fact that we are somewhere and we are needed by someone for something. Success is always connected with others. A successful jump that an athlete makes, has no meaning unless it is compared with the jump of another athlete.
    When I’m watching people around me I can’t stop asking myself why is someone trying to be a financier, provided that he has no talent for finance and economics? And how this man wants to have a chance to be seen? Even if he gets one, he can not take advantage of it. Rather he fails.
    A month ago I visited the hairdressers’ salon of a woman who has proven to be a hairdresser with golden hands. She decided to open her own salon. Naturally she hired people to work and she is pulled back to the position of "boss and manager." I was completely disappointed. She turned from an extremely good hairdresser, into an incompetent boss. Which is a hit on her success as a whole. Instead of getting the service which I visited the salon for - her golden hands - I got disappointment that made me not want to use the services of this salon ever again. Even if the owner is a first-class hairdresser. What's the point of her talent when she threw it all away and she’s not using it?
    I hope you understand my direction of thought.
    Even if I sound a bit heretical (in the face of the modern world which is full of anger), every person is given many chances for success in one form or another. Chances are directly dependent on our ability to create. They are necessary for us to show our talents and abilities. And nothing more.
    Jupiter present in every horoscope. In previous articles I emphasized the importance of Jupiter in the development of the human world and society as a whole, its importance as a driving power of man in general. This is the planet whose symbolism is associated with the opportunities, with the chances that life gives us.
    But the most important thing, I want to say is that the chances that we get can be realized only if they are related to those abilities of ours that we have in the form of talent. And usually the greatest chances always come at times when we have no choice. When everything we face, appears to be the only possible path.
    Every astrologer in defining the possibilities for success of a man always relies on what’s given in the personal horoscope. What is the benchmark of our success and what is its peak which we can achieve. Yes, it is romantic to live with the dream that we can be the greatest. But the reality is often harsh and sooner or later we have to land.
    Our chances for success come to life through the movement of Jupiter over the years. Planets never stop their travel. And when they move they form various connections with other planets in the individual horoscope, they affect different areas of life. I will briefly mention that Jupiter travels around the zodiac in 12 years. And its average stay in a zodiac sign is 1 year. Which means that every year a different area in our life is intensified. It is exactly then that we get a chance for development, expansion, success.
    Here I want to emphasize very strongly that Jupiter as a planet in our solar system does not have any real influence. None! This planet (and all the others) are not the reason for this or that event. Planets are symbols. They are the language through which we receive information about the conditions in which we are placed. For our inner motives to a moment. It is not the planets that make us do something. Rather, they are only "translate" for us in plain language what we intend to do.
    The passing of Jupiter through the homes in the individual horoscope is particularly important in terms of opportunities we receive in life. The movement of this planet shows in what area of ​​life an opportunity comes to change something, to improve it, to expand it. Where our social activity is targeted at, where we show initiative. What our plans are related to, our ideas, our aspirations. Our desire for realization in these life areas that are affected by Jupiter in its motion are especially intensified.
    What are the highlights of this twelve-year transition of Jupiter through the individual horoscope?
    When we talk about social, professional and public success, our strive towards this is magnified when Jupiter affects the 9th, 10th and 11th home from the individual horoscope. And also when it passes through our solar and lunar sign – the zodiac signs, in which the Sun and Moon are located in individual horoscope.
    These are the brightest moments in life. Of course we can not expect that in all these situations we will get real results. Very often we grab the possibility quite involuntarily and spontaneously, we make a step imperceptibly even to ourselves. And years later we realize that this was a time when we got our chance.

Tags: chances in life Jupiter passage astroschool Galy personal horoscope planets
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