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Panathinaikos-Olympiakos 0:1

22 March 2010 / 10:03:22  GRReporter
2939 reads

Emanuela Karastoyanova 

With a victory of 0:1 for the reds finished the 27 round of the Super League between Olympiakos and Panathinaikos, played at OAKA in Athens. Despite their overwhelming desire to win, the greens missed numerous chances to score and by the end of the game they could not get out of the vicious circle in which they found themselves. While in the first half they played relatively well (the first half ended 0:0), during the second half they could not take advantage of a dozen opportunities and could not collect his thoughts. 

The first half started very fast and the game was tense. In an effort to score a goal both teams made a significant number of errors. During the 10th minute Leto had a good chance to score but the ball fell out the door. During the 13th minute Salpingidis also had very good chance to score, but unfortunately he lacked some luck. Extremely good chance to score also had Gilberto Silva, who kicked the ball toward the door of the white-reds but goalkeeper Nikopolidis saved it. A unique chance to score also appeared in the 16th minute for Leto, but goalkeeper Nikopolidis again saved the ball, which ruined the wonderful kick of the Argentinian... 

After the attacks of the hosts the guests started their attempts to score. During the 20th minute with a strong kick Mitroglou sent the ball towards Dzorvas’ door, but the score attempt did not end with success. Just 1 minute later the greens tried to score but Karagounis’ kick was weak and goalkeeper Nikopolidis saved the ball without a problem. 

During the 22th minute the turning point came when the red-whites scored. With a strong kick Lua Lua sent the ball towards Dzorvas’ body, which bounced and found itself right at the feet of Darbesir. Darbesir did not take much time to kick it in the door of the greens. The goal of the guests acted as a cold shower to the greens, who definitely did not expect such a development of the game. After the goal of Olympiakos, Ninis (replacing Simao) entered the game and he was the last chance for the greens to change the result. Unfortunately he could not change the fate of the greens last night. During the 25th minute Cisse had a unique chance to score but luck was not on his side...The guests did not take much time to respond - just two minutes after Cisse’s score attempt Diarbesir found himself in front of Dzorvas’s door but miraculously did not manage to score another goal for the reds. The guests had another two wonderful attacks, which did not lead to goals, but brought the greens to agony. Missing numerous chances and pressed by the time the greens were clearly lagging behind. Their last goal attempts also did not lead to a change in the result. At the end of the second half very good chance to score had also Salpingidis who sent the ball toward the door of Nikopolidis, but paradoxically it bounced away and the player found himself in the net... 

Panathinaikos (Nioplias): Dzorvas, Cante, Vintra, Seytaridis (Gabriel) Katsouranis, Simao (Ninis), Gilberto Silva, Karagounis (Roukavina), Leto, Salpingidis, Cisse 

Olympiakos (Badovich): Nikopolidis, Papadopoulos, Mellberg (Zhevlakov), Raul Bravo, Torisidis, Mareska, Stoltidis, D. Papadopoulos (Darbisir), Lua-Lua, Datolo (Oscar) Mitroglou

Tags: Panathinaikos Olympiakos derby football Greece OAKA Athens
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