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Papandreou demands victory or early elections

26 October 2010 / 10:10:57  GRReporter
5382 reads

The interview with Mr. Papandreou from his office in the Council of Ministers was directly broadcasted by the Greek state television and lasted two hours. Seven journalists asked the Prime Minister questions in two thematic rounds and the discussion was moderated by the government spokesman George Petalotis. A Sunday meeting with the journalists determined the order to ask questions and the first to open was Olga Tremi (Μega) and then followed Maria Houkli (Αntenna), Aimilios Liatsos (Star), Andreas Konstantatos (Αlter), Antonis Sroiter (Αlpha ), Sia Kosoni (Σκάι) and Prokopis Doukas (ΝΕΤ). It is expected that between 3 and 4 million viewers watched the interview of the Prime Minister, and according to the observers, Papandreou has taken most of the burden of the political election battle though the interview placed at risk the expected benefits to the government.


Tags: NewsPoliticsLocal electionsGeorge PapandreouVoteTaxationTax evasion
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